A Pill to Make You Numb.

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"Marilyn?" I called from his kitchen. I had stayed the night at his house last night, safe and sound. I woke up before him and struggled with him because he wouldn't let me out of his arms, when he finally let me go I climbed out of bed and made his breakfast: a fruit bowl. Marilyn loves fruit almost as much as I do.

"Uhhhhhhh." I heard him moan from the bedroom. I walked back, knowing I would have to get him up manually. "Get up!" I jumped on the bed and crawled up to him, sitting on his waist. "Hello???" He growled at me and turned over. I flicked his nose and slapped his forehead. "Breakfast is ready."

He growled again. I waited for a bit, and he still didn't get up. Finally, having enough, I filled a cup with ice water, walked back to the bedroom and took a deep breath. With one swift movement, I dumped the cup on his head. "Hey!!! What the fuck?!" He jumped out of bed, shook his head and looked at me, I looked back, gave an innocent smile and ran like hell.

Once in the kitchen he ran to the sink, and I ran to the other side of the counter. I put my hands up. "Baby! Please. No... don't." It was too late, Marilyn turned on the water, lifted the sprayer and soaked me. I just looked at him, mouth ajar. "You did not..." He just laughed. "Payback!" I pretended to be mad, just before bursting into laughter. Marilyn came around the island and picked me up, hugging and kissing me. I laughed. "Put me down, and eat." He did as I said and I went to put fresh clothes on, stealing his black leather t-shirt. Last night, we decided the call was a joke, however. we didn't finish what we had started before my phone rang. After the phone ringing, we just put our clothes back on, talked a bit, and fell asleep.

The feeling of waking up and seeing him, being in his arms, was indescribable. The best feeling I have ever had. I didn't say anything to Marilyn but I secretly hoped we would finish up what we had started last night later. I smiled at the thought. "Don't wanna lock me up inside, lithium." I froze as my phone rang on the bed. I looked at it and slowly picked it up. "H-Hello?" I timidly asked. "Hey girl! Get ready, I'll be there at 12! Girl's day, we are gonna shop, eat and going clubbing!" Stormy screeched into the receiver, I looked at the clock 10:00. "Okay. I'm at Marilyn's." She laughed. "Figured! I have things to tell youuu!" I laughed this time. "Okay," I glanced up and Marilyn was in the doorway. "bye Stormy." I closed the phone. "Stormy is coming to get me, girl's day." He laughed and nodded, walking up and wrapping me in his arms, swaying back and forth. "You going home tonight?" I was confused. "Where else would I go?" Marilyn looked at me and kissed my forehead. "Here, come back here tonight." I smiled. "Are you sure?" He nodded and kissed me, finally letting go. "I want you here when I fall asleep, and I want you here when I wake up." I nodded and smiled. "You might want to put your clothes in the dryer." I nodded and began to walk out. I stopped and turned sticking my head back in the doorway. "Marilyn, I never thought I would say this... but, can I borrow some of your makeup?" He laughed extremely hard and just nodded, I laughed in return and got ready. Stormy picked me up and we went to the Tampa Bay Mall.

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