I'm Not a Slave to a World That Doesn't Give a Shit.

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Cara and I walked down the street, looking like hookers in our tight revealing dresses. "So Cara, what's your past? I haven't heard much about you." She laughed and shrugged. "Normal teenage childhood I guess. You know, dad sells things out from underneath you to pay for drugs. Mom drives you to the middle of nowhere and leaves you." I looked at her and laughed. "Wouldn't exactly say that's normal, but I'll take it." She shrugged. "Could've been worse. How about you?" I took a deep breath, I did that a lot. "Um, well my patents were decent until I hit my teenage years and started getting into trouble. Then they gave up and just kinda left. I was with an abusive boyfriend for a few years. He's dead now obviously. Problem is, I'm happy he's dead." Cara laughed. "I think everyone is Nikki." I shrugged. "Can't argue there. Hungry?" She laughed. "Always."

Cara and I stopped at a restaurant that was on the corner. "So what are you thinking about the tour so far?" Cara laughed. "Not so sure, I have always wanted my own band, but this'll have to be close enough." I looked at her. "I've always wanted my own band too. What do you play??" She smirked. "I sing." I got extremely excited. "I do too! Too bad all we will ever be is dancers." Cara laughed and lit a cigarette. "Maybe not, maybe you could talk Marilyn into letting us sing sometime!?" I shrugged. "Maybe, he and I haven't exactly been on good terms lately." She nodded. "Yeah I noticed." I nodded in response. We were both quiet for a minute. "Ma'am, you can't smoke in here." Cara snapped her head towards the waiter. "Well bend over and I'll put it out." The man looked hurt, but he walked away and Cara and I laughed.

"I don't think Marilyn and I are going to end up getting married." Cara's jaw dropped. "Why not?! Y'all are adorable!" I shrugged. "I think he is getting tired of me." Cara shook her head. "Hun, every damn guy gets that way. I think Marilyn is just struggling with somethings." I shrugged. "Maybe. Give me a hit." Cara handed me her cigarette. I took a long drag. "God, I haven't smoked in years." She laughed. "Good shit." I nodded in agreement.

"We should get back." I agreed again. On the way out of the restaurant Cara saw the waiter drinking a glass of water. What did she do? Put her cigarette out in it. "Better?" She asked him, his jaw dropped. I laughed.

"Nikki you haven't been yourself lately, when I first met you you were crazy, and a bitch!" I laughed. "I'll work on getting back." She nodded. "Good."

We got back to the bus and got on. I went back to our bunk to find Marilyn. He was laying on the bed. "Hey babe." I looked at him. "Hi." I responded. He sat up. "Nikki, we need to talk, sit down." I took one of my famous deep breaths. I knew this was coming. I sat next to him. "Nikki. I am so sorry about the other day, I can't get it off my mind. Seeing the pain in your eyes. I'm a monster. And, I want to know something. It won't hurt our friendship, or the band or anything, but I need to know. Do you love me still? After what I did?" I looked at him. Astonished. "Marilyn. Nothing in this world could cause me to stop loving you. And your not a monster, you just made a mistake. And I forgive you it's fine baby. And I understand if you don't want to marry me." This time Marilyn was the shocked one. "I want to marry you!" I shrugged. "Sounded more like you were trying to break up with me." Marilyn shook his head. "I just want you to be happy Nikki. Come here." I got closer to him and he kissed me. "Don't go." I whispered in his ear. "Never." He responded with such sincerity. I loved it. I loved him.

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