Feeling Sick Pt.2

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Nirvana's POV

Eva and I arrived at Mc. Donalds since we stole Rox's rental car. We walked in and the smell of fish hit me, my throw up was coming up my throat without waring so I ran to the bathroom. After throwing I rinsed my mouth and walked over to Eva in line "I think I'm going to get my period soon, I hate the smell of fish when I'm on it" I said covering my nose. "You threw up again didn't you?" she asked sternly "yeah now calm down Scobby-Doo and order me a number 2 with large fries and drink" I said handing her money "okay go sit and I'll get you coke" she said shooing me away.

I sat down then Ricky texted me asking if I could get them food before we leave from where ever we are. I asked him what they wanted since we were at Mc. Donalds so I wrote it down on a napkin. Chris (quater pounder), Ryan (two cheese burgers), Ghost and Vinny (chicken nuggets; bbq suace), Ricky (quater pounder) all the orders large but no drinks. Eva then came with our food and drinks and before eating I went to throw up again. "Girl you're pregnant" Eva said "no I just feel sick and sleepy" I said shrugging off what she said and eating.

After eating I got the food for the guys and headed back to the venue. As we got to the lounge I got the need to go pee but I had just gone before we left Mc. Donalds "foods here sluts" I said to the guys putting the bag down on the table in the middle of the room and they attacked it. "Damn guys calm down! Hey girl I'm going to go pee if Ricky and the guys ask" I said and I ran to the bathroom. I came back to a quiet group of guys and enjoying their food and Rockstars and I got one, fruit punch my favorite. "You okay?" Ricky asked "yeah why wouldn't I be?" I asked him sipping my Rockstar.

"Because I heard you puked twice already" Ricky says "acutally three" Rox said coming inside the lounge and everyone stared at me "when you guys got back from the signing, she thought no one noticed her go to the bathroom to puke bit I did" Rox said sitting next to Vinny. "Why didn't you tell me?" Ricky asked concerned "because I'm sick and I don't want anyone to notice it and Rox that wasn't your business to know or tell the guys" I said getting angry. "Babe you should rest" Ricky said rubbing my arm "no and the show? It wouldn't be as good without me" I said and Ricky sighed.

"I make the fans happy anyways" I said wiggling my eyebrows at Ricky "fine but if you get worse I will put you in bed rest but taped to the bunk" he said and I gave him a kiss on the cheek. I went to go brush my teeth before the show and then headed back inside the venue to warm up with the guys. Eva was helping at the merch stand and also the crew members and techs. She seemes really happy until it was our turn on stage she hugged me for good luck and kissed Ryan for good luck as well.

As Ricky played he kept an eye on me and I didn't feel sick or anything but until we got onto the bus I spilled my guts out. "She's pregnant why dont you guys stop being blind!" Rox yelled as I finish brushing my teeth "shut the fuck up! I am not pregnant I just feel sick!" I yelled angrily. "Now good show everyone!" I was about to finish up when Eva and Logan come in "we sold all the merch" Eva said "that is amazing! Now everyone off to bed we have three long days before our three day weekend" I say as everyone says good night and heads off to sleep.

So Salt Lake was so cool! I've never seen much love for a band before not even for the bands I went to go see before Ricky and I got together. "Thank you Cincinnati! Once again we are Motionless In White from Scranton, Pennsylvania we love you!" Chris said into the mic and we ran off stage. We got to take pictures with fans and talk to them as well. Inside the bus we had a snack party but I only ate fruit and drank a tea to feel better. I have been feeling better thank god I could relieve this cold.

Rox's POV

I know that Nirvana is pregnant because she hasn't gotten her period. She goes to the bathroom every five to ten minutes and she pukes too. So I am out of suspension from not doing my job right and I've seen that Nirvana has been feeling better. I've seen her drink teas and eat fruit and I guess that's whats making her feel better. She is chubbier and and eats a lot. I am starting to fall in love with Logan but I want to be with Ricky, I honestly don't know who to be in love with. Now off to sleep because we have a show in Detroit and I have a feeling it's going to be a long day tomorrow and I don't want to be at their stupid snack party with Nirvana there.

Ricky's POV

The shows have been great and seen that Nirvana has been doing great as well. Right now she is eating fruit and drinking her hot tea, even though she still gets cold, goes to pee a lot and eats better than ever. "Babe you look so much better than before, I'm glad you're feeling okay" I said hugging her "aw thanks baby, how about we have a party tomorrow after the show" she said "yeah, just us cuz I know Falling is going somwhere else and I don't know where Marylin is going so maybe we can invite him" said Chris bouncing on the couch.

"We will get the booze for you guys cuz Nirvana and I won't drink to keep an eye on you guys" I said standing on the seat of the little table. We all laughed "it's a plan then" Ryan said fist pumping the air accidently letting go of a sleeping Eva then he put her in Nirvana's bunk where she was staying. "Babe, I'm going to go to sleep, I'll see you in the morning" Nirvana said kissing my cheek and heading off to the bunks. I followed her "good night baby, sleep well, we will all go to Walmart tomorrow to get the stuff for the party, I love you" I said and kissed Nirvana's forehead "okay, I love you too" she said and I closed the curtain to the bunk.

Nirvana's POV

Partay tomorrow! awesome, I don't drink because I am barley getting better and Ricky quit drinking. But the others do and tomorrow we will get everything ready for the party and I'm excited because we have a three day weekend and that three day weekend I get to see Keven! Yeep. I am now going, to search Detroit's weather and gosh it's going to be cold I'll figure out what I'm going to wear in the morning. Now time to rest good night little Horrors and Ghosts.


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