You're Leaving To San Diego!?

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Two Weeks Later

Nirvana's POV

Today Ashley, Eva and Karina come back from Warped! I am so relieved because all Ivan and I do is fight about every little thing. Like last night I was talking to Keven on the phone and he got pissed because he thought I was cheating on him. Why would I do that when he knows me very well, I'm tired of fighting and I made my choice. I'm moving to San Diego to be a little more happier than I am right now. I miss Ricky, especially when Ivan and I have sex jeezz I almost called him Ricky when I was getting to my climax. It's the beginning of August and I am passing my summer classes. I don't start the fall classes until October when I think I will be on tour with Pierce The Veil.

"Nirvana! I'm home!" I hear Ashley's voice boom through the house. I get up from my bed and run to the living room "Ash!" I yell and hug the fuck out of her. I saw Gaia, Kylie, Eva and Karina "girls!" I yelled at them and grouped hugged them "I missed you so much!" I said excitedly. "We missed you too, how are you feeling?" they asked and I sighed "Ivan and I are having so much problems that today I am going to tell him that I don't want to be with him anymore, but how was Warped! I wish I could have stayed but seeing them was too painful" I said. And they all shook their heads.

"They're together now, she is going to live with him now and her mom let her stay with him, do you believe that!" Gaia exclaimed "oh my fuck, are you serious! She just wants to live like a queen when she can't I'm sorry but no one will ever replace me as Ricky's queen. The only tutle she will win will be princess because I know Rick real well he misses me even if he makes himself strong and fakes it." I say putting my hands on my hips. "You are saying the truth, I hope Rox just doesn't get pregnant and ends up staying with Rick" Karina said worried "Ricky won't let her get pregnant, he is very smart and he will do anything that won't get her pregnant" I said pacing back on fourth. "Guys sit I have to tell you something important" I said and we all sat on the couch.

"I've decided to go live in San Diego with Jaime Preciado the guy from Pierce The Veil" I said letting out a breath "what why?" Eva said "I will be happier than I am right now and I will focus more on getting better plus I like Jaime more than a friend" I said "Nirv mah pickle, please don't leave me, I just got you back and you almost died in that freaking coma" Eva said crying "turtle, I have to go, I need to find myself again and I'll return soon I promise" I said and hughed her. "When are you leaving?" Kylie asked "tomorrow morning, I'll make 13hrs from here to Iowa then 21hrs from Nebraska to California so it be like almost two days of driving" I said.

"We will miss you" Kylie responded and we all group hugged. "We got to go unpack and do laundry and we got to go take Eva with Ryan" Gaia said "okay, I have to pack and talk with Ivan" I said and they left. Ivan came while Ashley ate breakfast and I started to pack but I sat him down in the living room. "Ivan, it's hard to tell you this but. It's over" I said and his expression changed "but why? Did I do something to you? Or you're cheating on me? What did I do to deserve this?" he asked tearing up "Ivan all we do is fight and I am not cheating on you I promise" I said taking his hand in mine "I promise that I will leave and not bother you ever again, I am moving to San Diego to make my life a little better so its best if we just end it here and leave" I said.

"I guess your right because I was thinking to get back with Aida or with Ninni anyways, so good luck with wahtever your plans are. I got to leave" he said kissing my lips for the last time and leaving through the front door. "Come I'll help you pack" Ashley offered and we went off to my room.

Ricky's POV

We just got home from Warped and I am glad to have Rox move in with me. Eva, Ashley and Karina weren't in favor of it but Rox is my girlfriend now and I want her by my side ever since Nirvana left. I just got home from getting Dexter from Jessica ahe saw that I was with Rox and left me alone. Rox and I got to my house and we set our stuff down in the living area. We went up to the sitting room and we sat down cuddling with each other. "Home sweet home" I said with a sigh "yes finally, you know I have something on mind that we can do" Rox said "what is it?" I asked "this" she responded by kissing me and straddling me. "Rick! Rick!" I heard Chris' voice boom through the house and Rox groaned.

"In here Chris!" I yelled back while I took Rox off from me "hey man I got news" he said sitting down patting my knee "what is it?" I got comfortable "Nirvana is leaving to San Diego tomorrow and she broke up with Ivan" he said "wow, so she is remaking her life. I wonder if she is going either with Jaime or Keven, but she always had a thing for Jaime" I said tapping my finger on my chin "who knows but I mean I know she is going to be happy" he says "yeah, well Eox and I have to do some unpacking and laundry" I said and Chris left and Rox was upset. Well what a lovely day.

Nirvana's POV

As I almost finished packing I had sereval boxes packed up. I didn't have much things left because I hardly had things, the only thing I couldn't find was the cross I got at the cemetery at pop Frank's service. "Nirvana, we have to talk about you over dosing on those pain killers" Ashley said helping me pack.

"Yeah I know" I said "so what happened why did you do it?" she asked "because I felt worthless and alone the mind got the best of me" I said. "Well you know Eva, Karina and I are always going to be here for you even if we are far away" she said and I teared up "we'd catch a plane, bus, taxi or whatever there is necessary to be with you and we'd die for you in order to save your life" she said "you guys would do that for me?" I asked and we stopped packing "yes we'd do anything for you because we love you Nirvana" she said and we finished packing.

"I am finished are you?" I asked Ashley "I am finished as well" she said and we hugged. "Thank you for helping me, I just can't find my cross I got at Pop Frank's funeral... Shit I left it at Ricky's" I say "damn girl good luck getting it back now that Rox is living with him" Ash said and I nodded. I packed up all my clothes shoes and makeup in my lugage and called Jaime telling him that I am leaving tomorrow to Iowa and staying the night then the day after I will be passing to Nebraska and driving all the way to California which will take 21hrs. He said okay and he'll get ready to take me into his home. Ash then helped me pack all my stuff in my car and it started raining. Eva and Karina spend some time with us and went Home before the storm got worse.

Now to sleep before I take on the road tomorrow morning and dive for 13hrs straight and stay in Iowa. Good night my little Horrors and Ghosts mama loves you.


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