Bedroom Walls Were Her Only Friends

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*Chapter Title: Bedroom Walls Were Her Only Friends*

Ivan's POV

I walk over to Nirvana's body and I start to cry, I sit on a chair next to her bed and hold her hand. "Nirvana dear, you got to wake up please, my Ivan needs you, Eva needs you. Look if you and Ivan start a relationship again I'll be the best mother-in-law in the world like how I was when you and Ivan were together and I'll get Ivan's dad to understand that you want to be together. Now baby girl keep fighting stay strong and I love you" my mom said kissing her cheek. She mouthed our that she had to leave and kissed me on the cheek as she left.

"My giraffe queen why didn't you tell me anything? Why didn't you tell me that you weren't feeling alright or yourself? But it's also my fault for not asking you or not checking up on you. I need to listen and be more observant of you. Please baby girl don't die on me, you have always been a strong person now fight for Eva and I because I already want to see your beautiful blue eyes. Please Nirvana. I love you." I say crying and kissing her hand and stroking her hair.

Eva's POV

Today when I tried getting in contact with Nirvana she didn't answer so I decided to fly out to Scranton even though we have a show there tomorrow. When I got here Ivan told me she was in the hospital, I think her damn mind got the best of her. Now I am here sitting in the waiting room after I just visted my sisters almost life less body in a hospital bed. I never thought I would be waiting for her to respond since she's between life and death.

"Ry" I said putting the phone to my ear "turtle what happened? Did you find Nirvana?" he asked very worried "yeah, she she's between life and death" I say crying. "No that can be, we just got to Scranton, what hospital are at?" he said crying "Regional hospital" I say sobbing and hung up. I just can't believe this would happen again, I knew I should have kept checking on her every five minutes. Now we have to wait for her to wake up.

Ricky's POV

We are all in the living area. We just got to Scranton for a concert at Warped so then Ryan is on the phone with Eva. He then starts crying but I don't know what he is saying, Rox joins me and gives my thigh a squeeze. "N- N-Nir-Nir-Nirvana is between life and death" Ryan manages to get out through sobs "what? My kitten can't be. No!" I say yelling as everyone sheds a tear "what hospital?" I ask "Regional" Ryan says "we got to go see her now" I say and running out of the bus, I get out my phone and call two or three taxis to take us to the hospital.

When we got there I texted Eva asking her what floor and room number. She was on the second floor then we made it to the waiting room. "Where's my baby?" I ask Eva in tears and she hugged me "she's in room 116 but wait Rick, Ivan's in there and we all have to talk" she said a little stern and I nodded. "Okay guys, we don't know when she'll wake up but since we have a concert soon and a day off I'm going to stay with her and I don't know about you guys" she says.

"We can perform and then come back to be with her, then of course we are going to have to leave for our next show" Chris says and we all nod. "I'm sorry but I need to see Nirvana" I say and I walk off. I walk inside her room, her almost life less body lying on the bed. Why am I so stupid, I should have not been so drunk that night and stopped Rox. I don't even know of I was sure if it was Nirvana that night when the girl pulled up the stairs.
I make my way slowly to the bed and I see Ivan get up from the chair he was sitting in. "What are you doing here?" Ivan said through gritted teeth "I'm sorry Ivan but this is not the time or place to argue I just came to see her before anything happens to her" I say defending myself. "Fine, but Eva and I are staying with her and when you leave I will stay with her" he says walking away.

"My love I'm so sorry, I swear I am an idiot, from now on I'm going to be careful with my actions and what I drink. Baby this is why I stopped drinking, I promise and swear that I will never drink a drop of alcohol ever again. Nirvana please wake up the guys are here they're so worried and so are Karina, Ashley, Gaia and Kylie we want to see your beautiful blue eyes again. Yes we have a show tomorrow but when we finish it and the workshop we will come straight over here I promise. And the Ivan thing if you want to be with him that's okay because I know I haven't done so good for lately and he has been there for you. Nirvana I love you and I will always love you no matter what but baby I'm sorry I should be the one dying not you, but I'm sorry we have to leave in a few days but once you wake up we will be here. When you wake up if you don't want to see me that's okay because I don't want to cause you anymore pain. Now please you're a strong woman so keep pushing through keep fighting for the guys, Eva and the girls. I love you." I said and kissed her forehead standing up and going to the waiting room.

Ivan's POV

I see Ricky walk in the room and the others decide to go see Nirvana. He just sits on the floor facing the wall crying. "Ivan I will stay with her tomorrow night so you will get some rest, then the following maybe both of us can stay and then I leave and you could stay with her" Eva says and I nod. "Yeah sounds good, I wish she would just wake up so we all could see her beautiful blue eyes" I say crying "we all do, don't worry okay?" she says and hugs me. The rest came back "we will see her tomorrow and the day we leave as well, I'll make sure to call her college to make arrangements for her classes and everything" Ashley said "thanks so much" I said and I hugged her. Everyone left and I went back to Nirvana.

I told the nurse I'll be staying with her tonight and she was okay with that. I phoned Keven and told him what happened and he told me that he'll tell the Pierce The Veil guys? And they'll be here soon. Now I just sit on the bed, but go look for an extra blanket and I go lay down with her and holding her hand. "Good night baby, pleaae wake up soon, I love you" I say kissing her cheek.


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