Is She Alright? Is Nirvana Dead?

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*listen to Billy in 4c Never Saw It Coming*

Nirvana's POV

It's early July and I just started school online. I miss my girls and my Motionless friends and as well as Ricky but talking to Ivan has helped me only during the day. At night it haunts me and that's when I've been having nightmares and I've been crying. I hardly sleep and I survive on Rockstar and coffee. After coming back from Florida I asked my mum when she plans to get married and she said in about a year or two. I was so excited, and I'm going to help her plan her beach wedding.

Right now Ivan and I are at Corner Bakery sitting outside while I'm doing homework and my class is in the next few minutes. "Thank you for being here for me while the girls are on tour" I say grabbing Ivan's hand. "No problem, I am really sorry about Ricky and I'm glad to be with you here as well I hope w-" he got cut off by his phone. He groaned and rolled his eyes "it's Aida isn't it?" I asked "yeah" he said sadly "it's okay if she picks you up I don't mind, plus I have my next class right now" I say reassuringly even if I don't want him to leave.

His whore got here as I ate my chocolate cake in peace. He kissed my cheek saying goodbye and I smiled hugging him and he left. I just contiuned learning from my class then finished my homework that I was working on earlier. When I got home the sun was setting and I knew this was going to be a long ass night. I just huffed and went to take a shower.
Ivan's POV

I've noticed that Nirvana looks exhausted. Ever since she came back from Florida she looks sleepy and tired. Without makeup of course she is beautiful as always but she has huge black bags under eyes and she yawns a lot she even fell asleep on my couch when she went over to hang out with Jacob and I. She drinks a lot of Rockstar and coffee. She's also been distracted. Aida just picked me up from where I was accompaning Nirvana to do homework and do her online classes. We are going to go eat and watch a movie, oh never mind my mom just asked me to take care of Issac because she's going out with my dad. It's going to be a long night oh well. I told Adia if we can go eat and then watch a movie at my house since I have to take care of Issac.

She didn't care but had to get home after the movie since she had to go help out at some school thing the next morning. After we went to dinner we got home "mom, I'm home! Aida is with me!" I yell going up the stairs to my room to practice some guitar. Aida and I sat on my bed and my mom walks in rushing "good, you now how to take care of your brother now your dad and I have his work dinner tonight, if anything happens call us and the police grandma Lisa will not be able to stay tonight and please take care no funny business okay, I have to go love you" she said kissing my cheek "bye Aida" she said through gritted teeth.

My mom never liked Aida or Ninni the girl who has the kid after I broke up with Nirvana. My mom still loves Nirvana and I know why she is an amazing girl, there is no one like her. I practiced some guitar and played with Issac too, he doesn't like Aida just like my mom he loves Nirvana. I put him to sleep and Aida and I are watching a movie, as I kiss her it gets heated. I straddle her and take off my shirt, she roams her hands all over my body but then she stops "Ivan I got to get home, I'm sorry babe, I love you I'll see you tomorrow" she says pushing me off from her.

"O- okay babe, love you" I say kissing her cheek? And her leaving. Well this is going to be a long ass night. I just go up take a quick shower and practice guitar on my acoustic so I wouldn't wake up Issac and I started singing Nirvana's song.

Nirvana's POV

After my shower I change into black Drop Dead sweat pants and a black tank top. I saw a recent post of Ivan and Aida kissing, ugh I think I'm falling for him again, then I got a notification of Ricky's new post it was him and Rox kissing ugh I miss Ricky. I just can't do this anymore, I took off my lock on my phone so anyone could enter it and I started playing 'Billy in 4c Never Saw it Coming' by Motionless. I went into the bathroom and I cut multiple times on my arms I didn't care and I got out the pain killers and got a handful of them and just swallowed them.

I just stood there looking at my ugly and worthless reflection. I started to feel lighter and lighter until I fell onto the floor in darkness.

Ivan's POV

As I finished practicing guitar and went to check on Issac my phone started to ring. "Hello?" I asked "yes is this Ivan?" a womans voice asked "yes this is him? Who's this?" I asked "I am calling to inform you that we have Nirvana Veil here in the hospital due to a suicide attempt" she said and I froze "okay where?" I asked "in Regional Hospital" she said "okay I'm on my way" I say. "Biban?" Issac asked "Issac we have to go see Nirvana okay? She's sick yes?" I ask him and he nods "yes Nana mommy" he said as I get him out of his bed and putting on his Ninja Turtle crocs.

I grabbed his diaper bag and I called a taxi to take me to the hospital. I arrived and I went to the desk to ask for her "yes she's on the second floor" the nurse says and I run with Issac in my arms. I got to the second floor and I let Issac walk with me "is this where Nirvana Veil is?" I asked the lady "let me check" she said "yes sir, the doctor will be out in a minute to talk with you, you're her?" she asked "friend, I just have to call her sister" I said "okay you can take a seat in the waiting room" she said and I nodded. I called Eva and she freaked out saying that she is on her way here. Issac fell asleep since he was tired and I waited for the doctor and it seemes like eternity when he arrived.

"Are you Nirvana's friend Ivan?" he asked "yes sir, how is she is she okay?" I asked "we got to get her stable but she's in a coma, I honestly don't kniw how long she will last in the coma" he said "Ivan!" I heard Eva scream "Eva I thought you were far?" I asked hugging her "no I flew over here because she wouldn't answer my calls and I told Austin to go check up on her but until you told me that she is here I panicked and called cops to go see her and I guess my bro didn't go see her" she said. "Doc this is Eva Nirvana's sister" I said "what happened to her? I think her mind got the best of her" Eva said "Eva is right, it was a suicide attempt, she took pills and cut her self she was real close to losing blood but we got her stable and you can go see her, she could hear you even if she's in a coma" he said.

"C-c-coma!" Eva said surprised "yes, now may you please excuse me I nees to see other paitents and Nirvana is in room 115" he said and left. "Eva you want to go first?" I asked her "yes, I want to see her and I have to get Ashley or Karina to help me call her college to tell them she's in a coma" she said walking off. I just held Issac in my arms and I cried, I can't lose her not again or forever. I called my parents to tell them that I am in the hospital with Eva visiting Nirvana because she attempted suicide and to see if they can pick up Issac.

After Eva came out and sat in the waiting room I went in with Issac. "Issac, Nirvana is sleeping okay, you want to give her a kiss?" I asked him and he nodded. I lifted him up and leaned him down and he kissed Nirvana on the cheek "buv you mommy Nana" he said and touched her face. I took Issac out to my parents and my mom came in with me. When we walked there layed Nirvana's almost lifeless body.


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