Why Are You Fighting So Much!?

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Ricky's POV

As I hear yelling and things being slammed I jumped a little waking up to all the noise. Jaime is cuddled up into my chest so I crawl over her trying not to wake her and trying not to be nervous for Nirvana to wake up with all the noise. I walk into the living/kitchen area and I see Ryan and Eva arguing and she is throwing a lot of things at him. "I told you not to do that shit again! I am tired of fighting over you flirting with those hoes at coffee shops everytime we get a damn fucking coffee!" Eva yelled as she was about to throw his guitar to him. I then got infront of her and took the guitar from her and set it down.

"What's going on here?" a sleepy Nirvana said rubbing her eyes "this stupid fuck decided to flirt with a hoe at Starbucks when we were going to get coffee and you know what Sitkowski I am done with you! It's over!" Eva said to Nirvana, she stomped off and slammed the bus door. "Ryan you will not talk to my best friend until you get to Scranton and if I see you brothering her I will make sure won't be able to play another note on your guitar. Do I make myself clear?" she said sternly crossing her arms "yes Nana" he said her nickname sadly and he walked off to the bunks. "Ricky, I don't want her hurting and the one that is really close to her is Vinny and I don't him to break up with Ash because it's going to cause a lot of drama" she said sadly and sleepy. I hugged her "it's going to be okay, Vinny and Ash are not going out they're not offical yet and maybe Ash would understand all the situation" I said still hugging her and kissing her forehead.

"Now I'm going to get this cleaned up, go back to sleep and I'll make breakfast" I said trying for her to get more rest. "Fine, you are always worried about me and I'm fine I don't need more sleep" she says "you know what go change, while I clean and get Jaime up so we can go get some breakfast and then get Vinny to talk to Eva and then talk to Ashley" I said "sounds good" she says and walks off.

Nirvana's POV

After breakfast Ricky and Jaime went to talk to Vinny and I went to look for Ash. "Gaia have you seen Ashley?" I asked "no but I think Kylie has seen her, I heard what happened with Ry and Ev. Ry has cried nonstop" she said giving me a small sad face "oh snap, but he did flirt with another girl it's his fault anyway I got to talk to Ash" I said hugging her and walking off to the back lounge. I see Kylie getting ready just like Gaia and Ash talking with her "Ash can I talk to you please?" I ask "sure, Kylie I know your date with Ghost will go fine, stay positive" she says and we walk out of the bus near the venue.

"What's up girly" she says giving me her famous bracey smile, I hope this is not the last time I see it. "It's about a plan Ricky and I have but I hope you could understand" I said slowly "sure what is it?" she asked "I need Vinny to be there for Eva because I know how she gets when she is depressed" I said a little confident "okay, dude Ry hasn't stopped crying after Eva cut him off, I mean it was his fault for flirting with another girl while Eva walked inside Starbucks" Ash said disappointed in Ryan "Vinny and I are not even together so why should I worry about anything between them, they are human and they should see if it works out between them" she said giving me her famous smile "okay come on let's find Rick and Jaime" I say and we walked off.

"Crawling from hell, fallen from grace and there is nothing left to take, leaving the past to the grave so we can reincarnate" I sang along with Chris "there's one thing you forget, you can't make me play dead, I've swalloed your bullshit, no respect, you make me fucking sick" Chris screamed and I smiled to the crowd and started head banging. The rest of the song was great "thank you Portland! Until next time!" Chris said into the mic and we ran off the stage we packed up our things and took them to the bus and greeted some fans. I saw Eva making out with Vinny and then a fan interrupting their romance. I giggled at myself and signed some things. Inside the bus "I cant believe they were making out! I can't believe she moved on so quick! She hasn't even found her feelings yet!" I heard Ryan yell "I have and fyi, I have a better guy by my side" Eva argues back "no you haven't lets see how good he is in bed before you even say that!" Ryan raised his voice "I don't need to know because I know Vinny is not a douche bag like you because all you do is flirt with those hoes and you made our relationship worse!" Eva got angier "it was you too with your best friend Vinny and not wanting being touched and what not" Ryan was already angry "you're the cheating whore here Ryan Sitkowski! You're the bad ass but in reality you are so weak you cry like a little girl when you see me with Vinny" Eva said.

I could hear they were in the back and I was sitting next to Ricky and Jaime reading an AP magazine "okay this is got to stop they fight every single fucking day" I said putting my magazine down and walking over to the back area. I just saw Rick and Jay nod their heads. "Stop it both of you! All you do is fight every single fucking day even at night when we are asleep and every moment of the day! Now shut your fucking mouths and you will not fix this until we get to Scranton and I am sick and tired of this so if I hear you fighting I will make you sleep in the trailer. Do I make myself clear?" I asked both of them "yes" they said  "now seperate and NO FIGHTING!" I yelled and went back to reading my magazine in peace. They better get back together because apart they are miserable.



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