Welcome to San Diego🌴

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The Next Day

Nirvana's POV

It's around seven am and I changed quick into my clothes. I told Ashley bye and we cried and I headed to Ricky's house to go get my cross. As I got to Ricky's house that I used to call home I rang the door bell and saw him standing right infront of me. "Morning" I said "morning, what are you doing here?" Ricky asked "I came to look for the cross I got at pop Frank's funeral, I think I left it here" I said "okay, um you can go look for it wherever you think you left it. I trust you" he said and I nodded we went inside the house and it was still the same.

"Go ahead and look for it, if you need me I'll be in the home studio" he said running up the stairs and I left the keys I had to his house on the coffee table. I then started for the stairs "honey who was it?" Rox asked with a basket in her arms "oh um, what are you doing here?" she asked "I came to look for something I forgot, don't worry I won't take long once I find it I will leave forever" I said running up the stairs. I went straight to the closet and saw Rox's clothes and Ricky's as well. I looked on the top shelf above Ricky's clothes and I saw it wrapped in black paper. I got it and went to the home studio and I heard Ricky's singing voice. I love his singing it always made me melt "Blow the bridge to the past, wipe the fingerprints. Melt your heart encased in wax, seal it with a kiss. Our fate engraved, scar enslaved as we mutually destruct. Repose, my love, I've sinned enough for the both of us. In the name love" he sang. I walked in "um Ricky?" I got his attention "did you find it?" he asked getting up from the desk chair.

"Yeah I did but I have to go, thank you Ricky I appreciate it" I said "okay, um I'll see you soon?" he said and I nodded "yeah" I said and we hugged. After the hug he kissed my cheek and I left his house, I drove off fast. I cried missing everything about Ricky and his musky scent. It was my favorite. So long Ricky I hope you and Rox are very happy together.

Half A Day Later

Nirvana's POV

I just passed the San Diego sign and I called Jaime "Nirvana!" he yelled through the phone. I laughed "dragon, I'm here send me your-" I got cut off "nudes!" he said loudly and I scoffed "no Hime! Send me your address I need some rest and food and water" I said "haha okay, I was just kidding baby girl" he said and I clenched my thighs I think I just got horny. I felt tingly inside and down there when he called me baby girl. My phone dinged and I jumped at the sound of it and it was the address and directions to his house. Okay, calm the fuck down Nirvana! No need to get your horomones all high.

I got to Jaime's house I got my purse and ran off the car to ring the door bell. He opened the door and he hugged me real tight, lifted me up and walked in the house. He then spun me around and put me down and I was a little dizzy "hehe Jaime I missed you!" I yelled "me too little dragon" he said "how was your drive?" he asked "it was tiring but good, traffic is traffic" I said shrugging and he hugged me and lifted me up again. "Good, now what do you want to eat? Maybe I could get the guys and Keven to come over" he said wiggling his eyebrows and I laughed "Chinese and yeah that will be a great idea!" I said "good, let me help you get your things down" he said "okay" I said and we were off.

The last things we brought off was my lugage and set it in Jaime's room. "Would you like to stay with me? In my room?" he asked grabbing my hands "ye- yes of course, I mean you don't mind? You don't care?" I asked nervous "no, I don't. I want you to feel very comfortable here" he said "okay, I accept your offer" I said and we hugged. "I need to get something out of the car, can you order the food and the guys" I said walking and tripping over the huge suitcase. I almost fell and Jaime caught me but he is also clumsy and fell on top of me "sorry Nirv" Jaime apologized "it's okay Hime, don't worry" I said. We were in a very wrong position but I want it to be like that ever since he called me baby girl I've craving his touch. He leaned down and kissed me, sparks flew and I got hornier by the heated moment that we're having.

He let go of the kiss and stared into my eyes for a few moments and lifted me up. "I'm sorry for kissing you" he said "no I'm sorry I didn't mean to" I said nervously "it's okay, um I'm going to order the food and call the guys" he said nervously "okay, let me get the thing I forgot in the car" I said and we ran out of the room. The guys got here and they were happy to see me and know that I'll be living with Jaime. When the food got here, I noticed he ordered everything on the menu pamphlet thing that he had but we pigged out and finished everything.

Vic gave me a job for their band and he told me that I could sing with them as well. Everyone helped clean up the mess and they went home. I went to shower and changed into my pjs, Jaime did the same and only had his pj pants on "I forgot my shirt" he said "that's okay" I say checking him out. Damn calm your horomones down Nirv. "Tomorrow, I'll help you get situated better" Jaime said "thanks so much Himes, without you I wouldn't have been here and be a little stable" I said as we got into bed. He turned off the light and I turned to face him "I want apologize about the kiss" he said "me too" I said "it was my fault, I had the urge to just kiss you and feel your lips on mine" he said pausing "I'm sorry if you don't feel comfortable with it and your mad-" I cutt him off "I liked it, I like you Jaime and I want to do it again" I said looking at him in his eyes I could see him a little because of the moonlight going through the window. I then kissed him and he kissed back with passion, I straddled him and roamed my hands all over his body. I couldn't control my horomones anymore so I let them loose. As we were nude I couldn't stand but have Jaime pound inside me very hard. He turned us over so I could be on top again and I rode him very hard. Staying with Jaime is going to be the best thing that ever happened to me.


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