Chapter 2: Start Over With Me

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I brush past the guys outside of Ely's room, ignoring the How is she's, just needing to get away. I pull Za with me, and he complies confusedly. Once we make it to the cafeteria, I sit and he follows suit, waiting for me to start. "She doesn't remember," I say flatly.

"Justin, the nurses did say she might deal with mild amnesia," Za replies, not understanding.

"She doesn't remember she loves me," I choke out, blinking back tears, my eyes stinging.

"Damn. I'm sorry, man. Did you tell her?"

"Yes, I told her," I snap, before reeling myself back in. "She said that she'd never date a guy like me, that I'd break her heart."

"But no one loves anyone like you love Ely. You'd never -" he starts before I cut in.

"But I have Za. The me she remembers didn't treat women right. I was a dick. The me that she remembers was subconsciously jealous that she was spending all her time with her ex. The me that she remembers took home a different girl every night and didn't talk to them again. The me that she remembers doesn't deserve her."

"Okay," Za starts slowly, "well, then why don't you just do whatever you did to get her the first time?"

"Because I got her the first time by sleeping with her. She caught feelings and... that's it. If I do that, I'll just be proving her right. Not that she'd sleep with me now, anyway," I mope.

"Well, then you need to show her you're different. Let her know that you still have feelings, but if what she needs right now is a friend, you'll be that. I really don't see what else you can do. It seems to me that the more you push her, the more she'll believe you're the same and pull away." I frown at this. I know Za's right, but it's just hard to accept. I take a deep breath standing up from the table.

"Let's go, man. I've got a girl to win back." Za and I walk back to Ely's room to see that Atifa's visiting Ely. It looks like she got the same reaction from Ely that I did, because Atifa leaves the room briskly with grimace on her face. It's very rare that Atifa isn't smiling. I rejoin Ely in the room.

"Justin, I'm sorry for -" Ely starts before I cut her off.

"No, E. Don't be sorry. This isn't your fault. You're not entitled to have any type of emotions for me, I know that. It was just a shock, that's all. I don't expect you to have any type of emotions for me, especially not with the memory of me that you have. But I do want to show you that I am not that guy anymore. You've made me a better person, and I want you to see that better person in me. So I'm going to show you. And if that's as your best friend, then I'm the luckiest best friend in the world," I finish, honestly.

"Thank you for understanding, J," she says softly. "I'd hug you if I could sit up, but my head is actually killing me." I lean down to hug her tightly. We haven't hugged like this in what seems like forever. "Listen, Justin... the nurse said I could go home if there's someone to stay with me. I don't know if I have a roommate or anything, but it'd be kinda nice if I could stay with someone I recognize and right now, you're -" she starts before I put together what she's asking.

"Oh, El, don't even ask. Of course, you can stay with me. All of your stuff is practically at my house already. You kinda already stay there a lot, so it's... it's no big deal," I ramble, confused by the circumstances. She laughs at this.

"Thanks, Justin," she smile. "I love you," she laughs. I know it's not the same as before, and that stings, but it feels so good at the same time. I brush my thumb across her cheek, smiling at her sadly.

"I love you too, Ely. I love you too."

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