Chapter 9: Go To Bed With Me

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The party has been going on for hours, and it's actually been a lot of fun. I can see why I'd become friends with these people. The girls aren't fake and stuck up like I'd been expecting them to be. They're actually sweet, genuine, and overall just really fun girls. The guys turned out to be hilarious, cracking jokes with me and even lightly teasing me occasionally. I'd expected them to just tolerate my presence for Justin, but they seemed to actually want to interact with me. Realizing I was wrong in my presumptions about all of them makes me slightly doubt my assumptions about Justin's intentions with me.

But now, everyone is drunk and my head is starting to hurt. I pull a sloppy Justin away from the fun, over to the staircase. "Babe, where did you put my medicine?"

"Oh, no, baby, are you hurting?" He slurs way too loudly.

"Shh, yeah. I'll get it, just tell me where it is?" I strain.

"No, it's fine, baby girl. I'll get it. Come with me," he whispers drunkenly. He clearly won't tell me where it's at, so I follow him up to his room. He turns on his light, and heads over to his nightstand. He pulls my pill bottle out of the second drawer and struggles to open it.

"How about you let me take this one?" I offer, holding out my hand.

"No, no. I'm supposed to be taking care of you. I need to do this," he declines, still struggling. Ouch.

"Okay, how about I make a deal with you? You let me open it, and I'll kiss you?" I bargain, desperate for the pain to go away. He fakes deliberations before eagerly handing me the bottle. I take my pills and return the bottle. "Thanks," I say, heading over to his dresser to rummage through my drawer. There're no clothes to sleep in. I look up confusedly to inquire about this to see an expecting expression upon Justin's face. Before I can ask, he answers.

"You didn't like sleeping in clothes," he answers. "You either slept in my jersey or nothing at all."

"Oh. Okay," I say pulling my dress over my head. Justin's jaw drops at my sudden nudity. Again. When we were just friends, seeing each other naked was like seeing those ancient sculptures in museums. It didn't mean anything sexual. But now that Justin has seen me sexually, it's different and it's hard to adjust to that. I blush at his reaction. "Sorry, Justin. I forgot..." I apologize, unsure what to do with my body.

"Uh, its fine. It's great, it's... it's really... wow," he stutters drunkenly. "Your, uh, your nipples are hard, are you turned on?" He asks.

"Justin!" I yell, embarrassed. Rushing over to his bed to hide myself under his covers.

"Sorry, its the Hennessy," he excuses. I roll my eyes.

"My head feels fine now; you can go back to the party," I reply.

"Even if I could make it down the stairs on my own, there's nothing down there that's better than what's up here," he explains, sitting on the side of the bed, pulling his shoes off. I'm not sure what he means by this, but I hope he means that he's rather spend time with me. He pulls his pants and shirt off, leaving him in his boxers. I'm not gonna lie, my mouth falls open slightly at his shirtless body. I clamp my teeth shut in embarrassment, the sound getting Justin's attention. I need a distraction. I sit up in Justin's bed, allowing the covers to fall off of my upper body. Justin's eyes fly straight to my chest and my goddamn hard freaking nipples. His eyes go wide.

"Justin, can you pass me my water from the nightstand? My mouth is super dry," I say, trying distract from the fact that I'm trying to distract him.

"Y-yeah," he answers, never taking his eyes off of me, off of them. He grabs the water, then slides into bed sitting next to me. I take a sip, then set it down. Catching Justin off guard, I grab the sides of his face and firmly plant a deep kiss square on his lips. I linger there for what I feel is a second too long before I can will myself to pull away. I'm left with the taste of alcohol on my breath, while Justin's left with utter amazement. "Wh-"

"We made a deal," is all I say before I lay my head in his lap.


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