Chapter 32: GRWM (too)

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My dad shakes me awake, indicating that I must've been knocked out on the way home. "Where's Ely?" I ask anxiously.

"She's at her dorm, son."

"Oh. Okay, I guess I'll call her. Thanks for driving me down, dad," I say, getting out.

"Yeah, alright. I meant what I said. Don't mess up with her," he warns.

"I won't, dad. I promise," I assure, heading to grab my bag from the trunk. "See ya!" I call as he drives off. I head into the house, excited to prepare for tonight. I enter the living room to see all the guys crowded around the tv playing Call of Duty. Anxious to get everything in order, I step in front of the television, leading Christian to pause the game. "What the hell, man?" Well, hello to you guys too.

"Sorry, this is important," I ease, not wanting to offend anyone before I start asking favors.

"What's up, bro?" Za asks.

"I kinda need the house tonight," I start.

"What? For what?" Ryan presses.

"Ely and I need... privacy, and I know it's asking a lot, but I will seriously owe all of you big time. Please, just this one night," I plead.

"Ohhhh, Justin are you finally gonna get laid?" Christian teases. My eyes widen as if to say 'Don't ask,' but I can't help the small smirk that finds its way into my mouth. "Good for you, bro!"

"Any excuse to stay over at Ti's is good with me. That way, I don't have to hear her complain about how messy my room is. I mean, I love the girl, but I am not throwing away my water bottle collection," Za jokes. Okay, one down, four to go.

"I've got a night shift at the hotel, so you don't have to worry about me," Chaz adds. Phew. I look to Dan.

"What are you looking at me for? I don't sleep here," he complains. Okay, Dan? Check.

"I guess I can visit Hailey. I'm sure she'll have no problem with that," Christian jokes while making an obscene gesture. Christian? Covered. Now, the only person left to agree is Ryan. Oh, boy.

"Sorry, man. I won't bother you, but... there's nowhere else for me to stay," Ryan excuses, being difficult.

"Selena?" I suggest. He rolls his eyes, groaning.

"Why do I have to pick up and leave, just so that you can get some? That's so unfair," Ryan argues.

"Don't think of it as for me, think of it as a favor to Ely. After exposing her the way you did on Halloween, don't you think you owe her some privacy?" I reason, knowing he can't argue with that. Christian's jaw drops.

"Aw, man, he's got you there, Ry," Christian teases.

"Man, fuck you," Ryan says to me, pulling out his phone, presumably to call Sel. Perfect. One task down, a million more to go.

"Thanks, guys," I say happily. "Za, come with me. I need your help," I request.

"Ryan's right, fuck you," Za says, reluctantly getting up and setting down his controller. Once he and I are out the door, I start explaining the game plan to him.

"Okay, so I'm gonna go get rose petals, candles, and some other things. Can you just get the champagne? I can't, I'm not 21."

"Fine. But rose petals? Candles? That's mad cheesy, bro," Za laughs.

"Shut up. It's what my girl wants, so it's what my girl is gonna get," I defend, handing Za cash for the champagne.

"She asked for that stuff? That doesn't sound like Ely," he says, walking with me into town.

"She didn't exactly ask for it. We were just talking about fantasies before and that's how she always wished her first time would be. I want to make it as special as she can imagine. I want to make her dreams come true," I explain.

"That's sweet," Za admires. "I'm proud of you," he adds, punching my arm. "Are you nervous?"

"Psh, to have sex? With my girlfriend? For the like billionth time?" I feign confidence. "Yes," I answer plainly. "I'm so nervous. What if she doesn't... get there?" I worry.

"It's okay, I think Ti is driving her to the house," Za answers, my subtlety going right over his head.

"Not what I meant, dude."

"Oh. I mean, it'll be fine. Just do whatever it is that you've always done," he advises.

"Yeah, but she said she wants romance. I don't know romance. The way we used to... do it... it was more on the freaky side. Hell, every time I've ever done it has been raunchy. How do I know if I'm being romantic or just boring?" I concern.

"I see what you mean. I think you just need to focus on showing her how you feel. Just... show her how you feel and focus on making her feel good. I know it's easier said than done, but I think everything will fall into place," Za instructs. We reach the alcohol distributor, where Za branches off. "I'll leave the champagne in the fridge, and I'll see you tomorrow," he fares, smirking at me.

"Alright, bro."

Oh, boy.

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