Chapter 75: Christmas With Me

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I've spent the last couple of days enjoying my happy time with Justin while it lasts. We've made Christmas cookies, gone caroling - where Justin totally showed off - we even had a Christmas movie marathon. I've been trying to be as festive as possible because I know that after I tell him what I'm gonna do, it's gonna break him. I don't wanna do that until after the holiday. I know that I have to tell him eventually, but I want him to at least enjoy Christmas as much as possible first. But my time is running out, considering it's six A.M. Christmas morning. Desperate to give Justin all the happy memories I can before shattering his world, I shake him awake violently. "Baby! Baby! Wake up!"

"Huh? Where's the fire?" Justin asks, still half sleep.

"No fire," I laugh. "It's Christmas!" I cheer. He sluggishly sits up, kissing me immediately. The kiss is slow and sensual. I wanna live in this moment forever. He pulls away, biting his lip.

"Well, good morning, my festive little Christmas elf," he croaks. I giggle, his morning voice sending a rush through my body. I leap up from the bed, grabbing his hand to pull him along with me. He complies. Once out of his room, Justin yells, "Merry Christmas, everyone!" before pulling me onto his back and breezing down the stairs. Mr. And Mrs. Bieber are seated on the couch already, half awake and holding mugs of coffee. They must've been up all night setting up Jazzy's presents. She still believes. As if she were summoned by my thoughts, in walks Jazz, rubbing her eyes tiredly.

"Did Santa come?" She whines.

"Take a look under the tree to find out, honey," Mrs. B instructs. Justin and I snuggle into the recliner together, happily watching as Jazz jumps from box to box, wrapping paper flying. She has more energy than a kid with sugar rush. The warmth of my boyfriend disappears when he slides himself from under me, making me pout. He reaches under the tree, pulling out a gift and handing it to me. I can't help but squeal. I know it's odd, but I wasn't really expecting any presents at all.

"Merry Christmas, baby," he grins widely. I pout, completely touched by his cuteness.

"Oh, no, baby, please, open your gift first!" I request, pushing myself up from the large piece of furniture to scope out the small gift I'd gotten Justin, retrieving it and passing it to him. "It's not much, but..."

"El, you didn't have to get me anything," he responds, pulling me close. "I'm supposed to spoil you." I peck him on the lips, pushing the small box towards him. He rolls his eyes playfully, tearing the paper to reveal the hockey puck I'd gotten him. "This is signed by Wayne Gretzky? Is this real?" he asks incredulously. I nod smilingly, biting my lip to contain my enthusiasm. He actually likes it!

"He was giving a speech at a university a few towns over. I made Ti drive me; she was not happy about it, though. When I asked him to sign the puck, he accused me of trying to sell it, but I told him it was for my amazing boyfriend. He didn't believe me, so I showed him a video I took of you at your first college game. Oh my god, he was so impressed. He said he hopes he never has to play against you," I ramble excitedly. Justin's jaw is hanging wide open.

"You did all of that... for me... and you think that's 'not much,'" he asks disbelievingly. I blush, feeling proud of my girlfriending. Justin plants a deep kiss on me, eliciting groans of disgust from Jazzy. He finally pulls away to look at me enamored and say, "God, I love you."

"I love you, too, Justin Drew Bieber," I swoon kissing the tip of his nose.

"Now, open your present," he orders, pushing the larger gift toward me. I carefully peel the paper to reveal a large pink book. The cover says, "The Story Of Us." Upon opening it, I realize it is a photo album. The first page has a photo of myself that I don't recognize. I have red handprint on my face and it looks like I'd been sleeping. My expression is groggy. There's a description below it in Justin's handwriting.

This is the day I fell in love with you. It was the first day of classes. You'd fallen asleep in Econ in the most adorable way. In this picture you're walking me to pick up my hockey uniforms. Christian hit on you, so I pretended to be your boyfriend to "protect you." (; I could only dream that one day it'd be real.

My heart melts, faintly remembering the day, a sensation I haven't experienced at all since the accident. I continue to flip through the book, looking at the collection of pictures, the memories flooding back as tears flood my eyes. There're captioned pictures of me in a ball gown at homecoming, in ice skates at the rink with the guys, at a Halloween party kissing Justin, at cheer tryouts with the girls... every memory that I'd lost, Justin has given back to me, perfectly wrapped with a bow on top. At a loss for words, I squeeze him in tight, tighter than I ever have, sobbing my heart out.

The only words I can manage are, "I remember."

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