Chapter 14: Dinner With Me

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By the time Ely's finished getting ready, it's half past twelve. I hadn't expected her to be ready this soon, so I need to come up with things to stall... hm... eating! I'll take her out to eat first, that seems planned. And she won't expect me to have reservations either because I let her take her time. Now, I'm driving Ryan's van, which he reluctantly let me use for this date. I have to remember this. "So babe, I didn't expect you to get ready so quickly, so I'm gonna take you out to eat? What are you in the mood for? And please, please let me treat you? Pick some place nice?" She deliberated shortly.

"Can we go to that new seafood place in town? I hear they have amazing oysters," Ely suggests.

"Sure, baby. Oysters? I've never had them," I answer.

"Yeah, I love them. They're actually aphrodisiacs," Ely comments.

"What's an aphrodisiac, El?" I ask. Her intelligence turns me on so much. I could probably get a hard on listening to her explain how a cell divides.

"It's, uh, a food that heightens your, uh, sexual desire," she coughs out. Woah.

"Wow, um, sounds interesting. I'd really like to try these oysters," I stutter. "So, um, are there a lot of these... aphrodisiacs, did you say?"

"Yeah, there're tons. Honey, chocolate, basically anything that causes a rise in sex hormones," Ely explains, trying to sound factual, but I know she's feeling the tension, too.

"Huh, that's funny. I've been craving chocolate for the longest," I suggest.

"Yeah, we should have some for dessert. You know, to go with the theme," Ely suggests.

"Gotta love a good sexual desire theme," I joke.

"I've actually really been wanting honey recently, though," she adds.

"Really? That, uh, gives you sexual hormones too?"

"Yeah, it also helps you get, like... erections and clitoral engorgement," Ely comments matter-of-factory.

"What is that? Uh, clitoral engorgement?" I ask, genuinely curious.

"It's when it gets... swollen and... sensitive... kinda like the female version of the er... erection," Ely answers. I fight the urge to remind Ely of the times when we took advantage of her own clitoral engorgement, causing her to squirt.

We spent the rest of the drive there discussing food and sex objectively, until we park outside of the restaurant. We go in and once we're seated it suddenly hits me again how great Ely looks. My admiration is interrupted when the waiter comes up to ask us if he can get us anything.

"Oysters!" We request in unison. He gives us a knowing look before jotting it down and walking away. Once we're alone I just stare at how beautiful she looks, the silence comfortable.

"You can look," Ely offers quietly. I furrow my eyebrows at her. "At my boobs. I know they look good tonight. I see your eyes exploring me. I'm just saying, if you wanna look, you can."

"God, they do look amazing. I just... I don't know where to look. All of you looks amazing. I just can't believe I'm on a date with the most perfect girl. I feel like the luckiest guy in the world."

"I can't believe you're putting this much effort in for me. No guy has ever even properly asked me out on a date, let alone gone so far as to do all of this. I feel like a freaking princess. I feel like the luckiest girl in the world."

"Oh, I'm just upset you can't remember homecoming. I must say, that was some of my finer work. There was a ball gown and an engraved invitation and a tiara..." I brag. So Za was right. Saying I love you means nothing to a girl until you can show it with a grand gesture. This is how I got her the first time. I could kick myself for not being able to remember sooner. I wasted so much time.

"You're lying," she teases. I pull out my phone, swiping back to the pictures of Ely at homecoming.

"Oh my god," she gasps. "You did all this for me?"

"I love you, Elysandra. I love you to the sun and moon."

"I love you too, Justin. I really love you."



Ahhhhh, romantic jelysandra!!!

Do you think those aphrodisiacs will take effect any time soon?(;

Are y'all looking forward to more smut or soft jelysandra???

Have y'all read part one of the series, Been You????

Who remembers Justin's homecoming gift for Ely????

Any predictions about where Justin's taking Ely????

Comments, critiques, concerns, questions???

Okay, I'm done, just wanna interact with my readers! Loveyall!

Byyyyyyyyeeeeee <3

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