Chapter 8: Meet the Friends With Me

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Still somewhat angry that the progress I'd been making with Ely had been interrupted, by Ryan of all people, I roll my eyes and sigh as he leaves my room. I try to read Ely's expression, but it's nearly impossible. "Cmon, J, let's go downstairs. It's almost three. Ely gets up from my bed, grabbing my hand in the process. My stomach flips. Her hands are so soft and warm, I had forgotten what a simple pleasure it is to hold them. She and I go downstairs hand in hand, where the guys are sitting on the couch playing video games. Once they notice Ely's presence, they pause the game. There's an awkward silence before Ely speaks. "Hi, everyone," she starts nervously.

"Hi, Ely," he introduces, getting up to shake her hand. "I'm Za."

"I know, Justin spoke to you upstairs," Ely replies politely. I'm somewhat flattered that she pays attention to the things that I say even when I'm not speaking to her specifically.

"Haha, well, I'm glad you remember. And I'm sorry about Atifa- my girlfriend. I don't know if you remember, but she was the girl that came to see you in the hospital? She -"

"Cried. Right. I'm sorry, too. I didn't mean to upset her," Ely finished.

"No, no, it's not your fault it's just... her mom died of Alzheimer's. The whole thing with you not remembering who she is... it's just a sore subject for her," Za explains. Shit, I had no idea.

"I'm so sorry! If I'd known, I'd never have -" Ely starts.

"Hey, don't worry about it. It's fine. I've talked to her, and she's okay. She doesn't blame you. Really, she's just happy that you're okay. You're very important to her," Za tells her. Ely grips my hand tightly, not going unnoticed by Za. He throws me a look, but El doesn't catch it. She's too invested in the idea that Atifa cares so much for her.

"Aw, now I really feel bad. She's coming over soon, right? I'd love to talk to her," Ely coos.

"Yeah, I think they're on their w-" Za answers, interrupted by the doorbell. "Huh, that must be the food. It can't be the girls, Ti has a key." Za heads toward the door to answer it. If there's enough pizza for all of us, it'd probably be difficult for him to carry it  all on his own.

"Hang on, I'll help," I call, catching up with him. Once we're in the foyer, Za speaks directly to me.

"Looks like someone's making progress," he smirks while opening the door to the delivery guy.

"Barely," I breathe pulling out my wallet. Za shoos my hand.

"Me and the guys had a collection," he says. I don't argue because I know it'll be futile with Za. He gives the money to the server while I grab the boxes. "It sure seems like you're making progress. The way she was looking at you upstairs? The way she just squeezed your hand back there? She's catching feelings bro," he says as we walk back into the living room. I set the boxes on the coffee table. Once I'm standing up, my eyes instinctively search for Ely. They find her sitting on the couch, talking and laughing with Ryan. Dammit. "Sorry, man," Za claps his hand on my shoulder. Then he gasps in realization before whispering, "Hang on, bro. I got you." He does a soft jog toward the kitchen. "Hey, Ry! Help me get the plates and drinks out before the girls get here?"

"Alright, man," Ryan says, getting up to join him. I don't hesitate to take advantage of the opportunity, sliding in close to Ely on the couch.

"Miss me, baby?" I flirt. She rolls her eyes amusedly.

"No. And even if I did, I wouldn't tell you. That head of yours is big enough."

"I don't know, El. Pining after you like this has been quite the blow to my self esteem," I tease.

"Then maybe you should, I don't know? Stop? What about Selena?" she teases back. I lean in closely, our skin nearly touching.

"There's no girl that has ever - that could ever - satisfy me the way that you do," I whisper. The chill bumps that arise on her skin bring a smirk to my face. "Why do you think I was the way I was in high school? You spent all your time with that jerk and I missed you Ely. I was trying to fill a void that only you could. Now that I know what the best feels like... I could never go back to anything less." She swallows hard at my revelation. I hope it's enough. I await for her response, but I don't get it because we are interrupted by seven exuberant cheerleaders.

"Ely!" I hear various high pitched voices call from the entrance. I see that they're carrying an array of party items: cupcakes, balloons, alcohol... Although I am happy that they're going all out for my girl, the timing couldn't have been worse. I relax into the couch, annoyed and defeated.

Ely stands awkwardly to greet them. It must be hell to be in a room full of strangers who already know you, but Ely seems to be handling it well. Atifa apologizes for crying the other day, and Ely tells her she doesn't blame her. They start doing that thing girls do where they compliment everything about each other and explain where they've gotten things. I'm bored beyond belief, but I'm happy that Ely is branching out. Atifa says she needs a drink and offers Ely some, but she declines. She can't drink with her medication. When Atifa leaves to get a drink Ely plops down on the couch next to me happily. "Thanks for doing this for me, babe," Ely says before kissing me on the cheek, dangerously close to my mouth. My whole face goes hot. She... kissed me? She kissed me! Hell yeah.

"Get it, Ely!" One of the cheerleaders cheers her on. Now the two of us are blushing. I bite my lip, satisfied. I can still feel her soft, pink lips on my skin long after she pulled back, and I hope the feeling never goes away.

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