Chapter 23: Wake Up With Me (Again)

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Powerless to Justin's... everything, I straddle his face against my better judgement. Everything in me tells me I should get out while I'm ahead, while I still have a chance at not getting caught. That is, everything except for my pussy that I'm currently grinding on my boyfriend's face. I grip his headboard for better stability. "Ooh, Justin. Lick me. Lick my pussy," I moan, feeling scandalous. My dirty talk encourages him to lick me more ferociously. Justin's hands find my hips, keeping me stable. I run my hands through his hair, pulling him closer to my core. He's already as close to me as possible, but I still need him closer. My humping starts to grow irregular as I near my edge. "Ah, fuck, fuck, fuck," I let out as I orgasm uncontrollably. I fall out, curling myself into Justin's body.

"Kiss me, you sexy little girl," Justin breathes, pulling me in closer. I comply, tasting myself on his lips. He tongues me softly, running his fingers through my sweaty curls while are legs entangle, the mere touch sending chills throughout my body. His simple caresses do to me what going all the way with anyone else could never. We kiss for what must've been hours before I'm finally able to break away.

"Justin... I have... to... go," I get out in between kisses.

"Baby, you can't leave," he groans.

"I have to," I say, breaking away for good. "I love you."

"I love you too," Justin sighs, admitting defeat. I climb out of his bed, adjust his t-shirt that I'm wearing, and leave regrettably. Once I'm back in Jazzy's room, I tiptoe over to the bottom bunk, sneaking back in undetected. I hadn't realized how exhausted I am until now, passing out almost immediately.

I replay my visit to Justin's room over and over in my dreams, still reeling from the pleasure. That is, until his tackling wakes me up. On top of me he loudly sings, "Rise and shine, beautiful!"

"Shut up, idiot! Get out of my room!" I hear Jazz yell from the top bunk. I keep my eyes shut tightly, not ready to let go of my sweet, sweet sleep.

"Wake up, baby. It's Black Friday," he whispers. It's our tradition, even down to him violently waking me at five thirty am.

"Just ten more minutes, babe," I groan, eyes still squeezed shut.

"The difference this year is... I know how to wake you up," he whispers, his mouth so close to my ear I can feel his breath. I doubt anything he says or does could get me up before I get my ten minutes. I'm just drifting back into unconsciousness, when he plants a soft kiss on my neck. Damn, does it feel good. He keeps kissing down my neck, and it gets harder and harder not to react. I can't. Jazzy's right above us. His hands find their way underneath the t-shirt I'm wearing, groping and caressing me. The combination of that and the kisses is too much. I have to give in.

"Okay, okay, I'm up," I surrender. "I hate you."

"You're such a girl," he laughs smugly.

"And what's that supposed to mean?" I press.

"Just that girls are weak when it comes to..." he whispers, rolling his hips into mine. I fight the urge to moan.

"I'm weak?" I ask, rolling over on top of him. I lean down to his ear, whispering, "You couldn't even wait twenty minutes for me before you start jacking off? What do you call that, huh, babe?" I nibble his ear.

"I could've waited," he excuses.

"Good, then I guess you can wait until tomorrow," I bluff. I lower my voice once again to say, "I'll orgasm on my own tonight."

"No, no, no, no, please," he begs. "I'm weak, okay? I'm the weak one. Don't."

"That's what I thought," I smirk, pushing myself up and off of him. "I need to get dressed, get out," I say, simply because Jazzy's here. He shakes his head unbelievably.

"Be ready in five," he instructs.

"I'll be ready when I'm ready," I retort.

"Be ready in five," he repeats on his way out the door.

"Are you sure you have to date my brother? It's seriously so gross," Jazz comments.

You don't know the half of it, Jazz.

Recovery (Sequel to Been You)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz