#1 Ban (The Seven Deadly Sins)

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You were part of the Boar Hat team for just over a month now and all you could say was that it was amazing. There was always a hype and joyous atmosphere at the tavern and they always found a reason to get drunk every night, it was crazy! But you weren't the type of girl to chug down a mug of ale but it didn't stop you from joining in their fun and their non-stop laughter.

Sir Meliodas sure was a pervert but you couldn't help but love him for his kind and caring nature. Diane and Elizabeth became your closest friends because they were the only girls around who you could put your trust in when you needed someone to talk to and King was simply amazing. He floated all day on his huge green pillow, sometimes oblivious to what's going on. He was sensitive and he always inquired about your well-being.

Then there's Hawk. A cute talking pig who was in charge of eating all the leftovers. You were surprised at the fact that a pig could talk and it did take a while before you got used to it but now you absolutely loved Hawk. His voice was so cute. And every chance you got you lunged at him and embraced him in a big hug as you laid on top of him but every time you did so a certain pale blue haired man always wrapped an arm around your body and pulled you off of Hawk and today was no different.

"What the hell Ban!?" You yelled flailing you arms and legs about while Ban held you by his side.

You looked at the man straight in his ruby coloured eyes and a tint of blush colored your cheeks. Yes, you may have a little crush on The Foxes Sin Of Greed. But come on who wouldn't? Have you taken a look at him!? He's freaking gorgeous!

Anywho, you scanned his face and noticed the blush that covered his cheeks, which obviously indicated that the man was intoxicated and it's not even midday yet! You scanned further down his face and noticed his beautiful yet sinister smile which revealed his sharp looking fangs.

"He's mine (y/n)..." Ban said in his usual tone after he let out a laugh.

He then gave you another smirk and let you fall to the ground. You landed on your butt and it began to throb in pain. You sent him a glare but immediately frowned when you noticed Ban had taken your previous position on Hawk but the only difference was that he had a drink in hand. You got up and off the floor and headed toward the bar and almost instantly you felt a hand on your butt.

You gasped and noticed that Meliodas had his hand on your butt and repeated the words in an almost innocent tone,

"Does it hurt (y/n)-chan?"

"Doesn't mean that you're Captain you can take advantage of me Meliodas-sama." You said, hitting him slightly on his head and watched as a small lump formed on his head.

"Okay, I need to I give everyone a task. We'll be getting customers tonight." Meliodas said moving over to Elizabeth as he rubbed his head. "King and Diane will stay here and watch over Boar Hat."

Diane and King both agreed to Meliodas' order and King had a slight blush on his cheeks. Aww.

"Elizabeth-chan and I will go into town for some supplies." Meliodas said and a nod of agreement was given by Elizabeth. "And (y/n)-chan and Ban will head to the forest to get some new ingredients."

"What!" You uttered in shock as you looked over at Ban who was waving his alcohol around.

"Let's go then, (y/n)." Ban drawled.

**Le Timeskip brought to you by Meliodas' bad cooking! **

You both walked through the forest which was filled with silence and serenity. It was absolutely beautiful.

"So what exactly are we looking for Ban?" You asked perplexed.

"Anything edible." He replied.

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