Sting Eucliffe and Rogue Cheney Imagine.

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Imagine Sting and Rogue showing off their muscular fisque in the guild's pool because their ulterior motive is to impress you.

As you walked by the pool you looked over in their direction and gave them a sweet smile and headed toward Yukino.

But those two thought that you smiled at only one of them and they begin quarrelling with each other over it and eventually it gets physical.

Yukino points out in their direction so you turn around to see what's going on and you see this: ↓

Yukino points out in their direction so you turn around to see what's going on and you see this: ↓

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A/n: oh gosh I love these two! Anyone ships Stingue? Let me know in the comments!
Don't forget to vote my fellow Otakus! ^-^

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