First day

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Ethan's POV...

I sat at the table eating some cereal and had my bag right near my feet. It was pretty quiet, depressing. The TV was going though, ruining the silence, yay. I always get uncomfortable when there's no sound, it makes me feel... alone. I'm such a kid, it was playing SpongeBob. My parents were out on a business trip and my sister, Cameron, was at College. So, I'm lonely for a month.

Today is my first day at school, high-school is okay, I moved recently, I already miss my friends and my old house. It was beautiful where I lived, it's okay now where I live, but, it's not the same exactly, I doubt I'll have a good day. I saw the clock and it was 7:42, my school starts at 8:20, I have time.

I washed the dishes and slipped on my Vans and purple jacket. I zipped it up and messed with my hair. I grabbed my book bag and grabbed the house keys, my wallet, phone, and went out the front door. I locked the door and started walking.

I was on my phone looking through Instagram and walked into a pole. I sighed and rubbed my head. Idiot. It didn't feel bruised, yet anyways. I continued walking and slipped my phone in my pocket.

About ten minutes after, I was at the school entrance. I gulped and walked in like an idiot. So much kids, so much kids that can bully me any second, fuck. I continued walking and already heard whispers. Great, not even an hour in, and already comments about me. I walked to the Principle's Office and said my name and told them I'm new and needed my schedule. It took a few minutes to print but I got it in time, not. I'm late now. They just said start rushing over. No problem there.

As soon as I saw no one in the halls, I darted for it. I was running down the hallways looking for room 309, art. I ran up the steps and saw the room. My hand slammed against the handle of the door and I ran in out of breath. I was panting and looked up. Everyone was staring at me and snickering. I turned a faint red and sighed.

"Im... sorry I was late." I huffed out surprisingly.

"It's... okay Mr..?" The teacher asked.

"Grant, Ethan Grant sir. I'm new here." 

"Well, Mr. Grant, may you introduce yourself, also, do you need some water? You look dehiderated." He spat out.

"No no no, I'm not. But sure, I'll introduce myself." I said.

"Great! Now stand there and tell us about yourself, settle down children, put down your paint brushes and place your focus on Ethan." He said and scooted out of my way. I felt a thin layer of sweat on me. I stood there and faced the class.

"Well... hello everyone, my name is Ethan Grant, I have no middle name. Umm, I was home schooled for all of preschool and elementary, than went to middle school and now I'm here. I recently moved here about three weeks ago, and that's all..?" I said unsure and faced the teacher. He nodded and showed me to my seat.

I was put next to a guy with black and blue dyed hair and a girl with brown hair with green eyes. This is fine... your okay. Stay confident and it will be fine.

Time skip to Lunch..

I sat at a table lonely hearing all the kids talking. It was okay being lonely, I savor it. I don't know why though. It just was soothing to have you all to your feelings. I put my earbuds in and picked at my salad. After I was halfway finished I took out my sketchbook and a pencil. I flipped through some of the pages and found a clean page. I started sketching out rose petals falling from a wilted flower. I then feel a slight tap on my shoulder and flinches.

I turned my head and it was a short curly haired kid. His eyes were an ocean shade of blue and his hair was a dirty blonde. He had a huge smile and I raised a brow. He sat down across from me and I still had a confused look on my face.

"Hi, just wanted to say nice drawing. I heard you're new, so, I'm Jack." He held out his hand and I shook it awkwardly. His smile only grew bigger and I slightly got scared.

"Sorry if I'm scaring you, I know how it is to be a new kid, I was new last year so, don't sweat it if I'm kinda bugging you." Jack said and his smile faded.

"No no no, it's completely fine, I'm actually happy I'm not so lonely. I'm Ethan by the way." I say and closed my sketchbook.

"Great! For a second I thought you'd push me away."

"Nah, you seem cool. Your're that kid in my art, math, chem, and social studies, right?" I question. He nods.

"So, what's the rest of your schedule?" I ask.

"P.E and English. You?" Jack asks. It rolled through my mind. I'm talking to someone. I had a friend.

"Damn it. Same classes, different order." I sighed. Jack shrugged and then the bell rang, the warning bell anyways. I packed my stuff and threw away my trash.

"Well nice meeti-" I was cut off by someone bumping into me. I dropped my bag and saw the pencils scatter out.

"Oh shit, sorry!" I hear and started rushing for my pencils. I grabbed three and I couldn't find the other two, I looked around and saw two pairs of black Vans in front of me. I looked up and saw a tanish figure with hazel eyes and brown hair with light tips curving over. I growled under my breath. He handed me my pencils and helped me up.

"Again, I'm so sorry." He said hesitantly.

"Yeah, ok. Thanks though." I said and walked away to Jack.

"You fine Eth?" He said.

"Yeah, let's go now, I'm not gonna be late again."

Knowing him... (Graythan AU) *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now