Back to himself

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After the dinner, Gray was giving me a tour of his house. His house was huge. He said his mom and dad did all this. That they want the best for Gray and Aaron. He had a pool and he said we can go swimming tommarow if I'd like.

We were standing at his bedroom door. I've never seen it before or even been to his house.

"And this is my bedroom." Gray said opening the door and letting me go in first. I gasp at his room.

(I found it on Google cause I am currently decorating my room, and I did search up boy designs cause I'm a tomboy and I didn't want anything girly

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(I found it on Google cause I am currently decorating my room, and I did search up boy designs cause I'm a tomboy and I didn't want anything girly. And I found this. I though this was lit, and it was to good to pass up. So I just made it Grayson's bedroom cause why the fuck not.)

It was so nice. The records, the guitar, it all screamed Grayson. My room wasn't that much different actually. Well sort of anyways. Grayson walks over and sits on the edge of his bed. I look at all of his records on the wall. Some comics were scattered on the floor here and there along with magazines. Then I saw something that made my heart melt. I awed seeing that he had a picture of me.

It was when I went outside to with the snow like a year ago

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It was when I went outside to with the snow like a year ago. Good memories. I chuckled and I felt arms wrap around my waist. I looked up and saw Grayson smiling.

"How did you get this.." I asked looking up at him. Why am I so short..

"Cam. When you went to the bathroom one time she showed me photos and she said I could have one, so I did." Gray smirked. I just snickered. My smile faded away and I sighed. I look at my phone lock screen, it's already nine? Wow.

"I'm guessing you have to go?" Gray asked in a whimper.  I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"You want me to stay?" I asked with a smirk. He didn't seem to feel embarrassed cause he just said 'yes'.

"I guess I can. Let me call Cam." I say opening up my phone.

"Your not gonna ask your parents?" Gray says confused.

"Business trip." I reply and starts calling Cam. It rung four times and she answered.

"What up bitch."

"Hi to you too."

"What's wrong?"

"I was wondering if I can sleep at Grayson house tonight?"

"Sure, knock yourself out kid."

"Thanks Cam."

"No problem. Night dork."

"Night asshole." I teased and hangs up.


"I can, but is you mom okay with it?" I ask.

"Should be. She doesn't really care. She's gone half of the day anyways, same with my dad." Grayson says, his voice shifted from happy to gloom. He let go of my waist and walked over sitting on his bed. I sat next to him and layed my head on his shoulder. I gripped his arm and got comfortable. He kissed my head.

"You know I love you right..?" I say softly.

"I know."


I was staring out his big window seeing the stars and moon. It was breathtaking as always. I was wearing one of Grayson's sweatpants that were a bit to big for me. I kept on my pink sweatshirt. He was brushing his teeth and I took the chance to look around his room more. I looked at more photos and I saw a picture from when he was a baby with his mother. Adorable.

I looked around more and I saw a teddy bear on his shelf. It had a missing button eye and had dirt stains on it. I smirked at it. I stood on my tippy toes and reached for it. It was covered in dust and I blew some off making me sneeze like a kitten.

It looked atleast a few years old. Not to old, but it had aged. I smiled seeing that he has a tiny bear. I chuckled and put it back when I feel arms wrap around waist making me yelp. I turned around to see Aaron giggling. I cocked up an eyebrow.

"Wh-what was that for!" I whisper yell so Grayson doesn't worry.

"Nothing much, just watching over you for Gray." She says and crosses her legs while sitting on his bed.

"What for?" I ask. She shrugs.

"He told me if he's never around, he told me to take care of you myself. But I have a boyfriend so calm down, I ain't hurting my brother." Aaron says playing with a yoyo. I sat down next to her.

"Well then, sorry for freaking out." I say.

"Don't sweat it kid." She says taking a sip of water. I felt awkward.

"So, all the things you said at the table, did you mean all of that?" Aaron says looking sternly in the eyes.

"O-ofcourse. Why?" I ask her.

"Dont tell him..?" I nod.

"..Grayson has had a few girls in his life, and they seemed sweet and preppy like a cheerleader and shit, but they were cruel. They used him. Two of them to take his virginity so they can feel pleasure, the other one was seeing someone else already. Once Gray found out he felt unloved. He didn't go on dates or had a crush for three years, than you came along," She pauses and looks at me.

"He fell in love right there, and he didn't even know your name. That day he came home all giggly and just a fangirl. My brother didn't even feel like talking in those three years, next thing I know he's gushing over some guy he accidentally bumped into. He smiled, he giggled, he laughed... I missed that. I missed seeing his big bright smile. Ethan, you did that, you made him feel happy. You made him come back to himself. My twin, my brother, my family, he's happy because of you. Thank you.." She says hugging me. I gasped at the sudden touch, but I hugged back.

"Wow, thanks for telling me all this.." I say with a tiny smile. She nods.

"Thanks for listening, well ima go get ready. Gray will be out soon." She says and walks out. Speak of the devil. Gray walked in yawning and rubbing his eyes. He looked confused.

"Why the fuck were you in my room?" He asked. She smiled.

"Nothing, nothing at all," Aaron pauses and hugs him tightly, I aw at the sight.

"I love you Gray.." I heard her whisper into his chest.

"Love ya too, goodnight." He says kissing her cheek. She returns the favor and kisses his.

"Night dork, night E." Aaron turns around and waves at me. I waved back.

"Night Aaron." I say with a smile. She closes the door and he walks over sitting beside me.

"Why was she in here? Did she tell you something embarrassing I did when I was like seven?" Grayson says looking me in the eyes. I smirked and kissed his nose.

"No, no she didn't. I love you." I say with a smirk. He smiles and kisses me.

"Love you too."

"Sooooo... what did you do when you were seven..?"

Knowing him... (Graythan AU) *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now