The date that ends all dates pt. 1

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Ethan's POV...

It was near six and I barely got out of the shower. Way to fuck up Ethan..

I walked into my room and put on black ripped jeans, a pastel purple hoodles sweather, black Vans, and my cross necklace and fucked with my hair to make it fluffy. I sprayed on some girl perfume and sat on my bed with my phone scrolling through Snapchat stories.

About ten minutes passed and it was five fifty seven. I sighed and walked downstairs to see Cam eating some leftover pasta I made. I smiled at her and she flipped me off.

"Love you too." I smirk.

"So, where's your boyfriend?" She says still eating.

"I don't know.." I say worried.

"He'll show up Eth, don't worry about it, he still has... two minutes." Cameron says stuffing her face. I sighed and just sat at the stairs. Then I hear a knock and I jolt up. I make my hair a bit more fluffy and I open the door.

"Grays- mom?! Dad?!" I say and jumps into my mom's arms. I hugged her tightly and then I hugged my dad.

"What are you guys doing here?!" I say still in shock.

"Well, we do live here." My dad chuckles. I moved so they can walk in. Cameron jerks up and hugs them both.

"Well duh, but you guys still have a week to be on that business trip." I say. They look over and they both started laughing. I raised a brow.

"We were already there for a month Ethan, it must've been slow for you."

"You have no idea.." I chuckled.

"So why are you dressed up, and why does it smell like girl perfume..?" My mom says and then I hear a light knock. I turn around too see Grayson there. I smile and walked over. He opens his arms and I hug him instantly, it was long and he definitely almost killed me, drama queen me.

"This is why." I say keeping a grip around Gray's waist. He just smiles and waves.

"Soooooo, who's might you be to my son..?" Dad says walking over with his arms crossed. Grayson gets tensed.

"Sean! Excuse him please, but I'm asking the same thing, who might you be?" My mom asked. I gripped around his waist and bit tighter and smirked.

"Well, I'm sorry for not telling you, but... this is Grayson, this is who I'm gay for." I say with a slight laugh after that. He just snickers.

"Boyfriend aye? Have you fucked my son?" My dad says with a scowl. My face heats up and I sigh ending that with a facepalm. Grayson is bright red.

"N-no sir.." He says awkwardly.

"I plan on having my virginity thank you." I say.

"Alright then, well I'm Lisa, and this is my husband Sean Grant, nice to meet you Grayson..?" Grayson sighs and I start snickering.

"Bailey.." He mutters to the point I can't hear him.

"Pardon me?"

Knowing him... (Graythan AU) *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now