Rejection and texts

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Grayson's POV...

So, Ethan's his name. I like it, it suits him quite well. I chuckled at the thought. I then get a text from Nate. I take out my phone and opens up the text.

It'sNate: Yo Gray, Jennifer is having a party. Her friends are invited, she invited me and you, also Jack Dail and Ethan Grant and a couple others. Apparently he's new. Can't wait to meet him.

'Can't wait to meet him', Stood in my mind. I texted back.

Me: Oh yeah! I met him, he's pretty cute.

I read the text and saw what I sent. I panicked and was gonna text back 'cool', but he already texted me back.

It'sNate: Bro, did you just call him 'cute'. Awwww! Whittle Gray got a boyfriend?

My cheeks flushed pure red and I freaked.

Me: NO! I don't! I meant to text 'cool'!!!

It'sNate: Suuuurrrrrreeee dude, sure. 😑

I cussed under my breath. What the hell have I done..

Me: Well fuck you

It'sNate: That's gay 😑

Me: What can I say ☺

Time skip to Friday...

I was at school walking around looking for Ethan. I then saw him at his locker with Jack. I walked over and sighed.

"Sup." I said.

"Hey Grayson."


"Just call me Gray for short Ethan." I said.

"Then, just call call me Eth for short." Ethan said. I smiled and nodded.

"Got it."

"I gotta go ask Jennifer for some notes, cya fools." Jack said and walked away.

I was gonna ask Ethan to go with me. As... a date. Fingers crossed.

"So... are you going to Jennifer's party tonight?" I asked already knowing the answer.

"Yeah. And?" He crossed his arms.

"Well... I was wondering if you'd... maybe... want to go with me..?"

He stared at me. And smiled.

"Sure, I'd love to go with a friend." Ethan said with a smile. My heart dropped twenty five feet. Rejection is a bitch.

"No I mean, do you wanna go with me." I repeated meaning as a date.

"I already said sure, we can go with Jack as well, The Three Amigos." Ethan said.

"... Yeah, yeah ok. See ya there.." I said and walked off.

Ethan's POV...

What was his problem? I said sure. Technically yes, did I say something wrong..? Nah.

I remember I had Gray's number so I decided to text him.


Gray🙈: Sup

Me: Why did you repeat your question, I already said yes dumbass.

Gray🙈: Well... it's nothing, Ok?

Me: Graaaaaaayyyyyyyyy

Gray🙈: What Eth

Me: Your lying to yourself, and it's bad

Gray🙈: What?

Me: Tell me what's on your mind at this very moment

Gray🙈: Welllllll.... I'm kinda hungry..

Me: So am I, we all have problems ok?!

Gray🙈: That's not my only problem

Me: 🤔

Gray🙈: Whatcha thinking there buddy

Me: Bish I ain't no dog ok

Gray🙈: Ooookkkkkkkaaaayyyy

Me: ...........

Me: Bork bork mutha fucka

Gray🙈: .........

Me: What's your problem there Buddy? 😉

Gray🙈: 🐶

Me: Well shit, XD cya later idiot


Me: Why

Gray🙈: Because I love you..

Me: That's sooo gay dude

Gray🙈: Oh.... oh I know

Me: ..... okay

Me: Wdym fool?

Gray🙈: Thomas Sanders bish

Me: I ain't yo bish, I'm my own bish, bish

Gray🙈: Masturbation..???

Me: You don't know me m8 👌👈

Gray🙈: 🙂🔫



Gray🙈: How can I shoot someone so precious?

Me: You clingy bish

Gray🙈: Why thank you give me a Grammy

Me: I'm sorry, the message you tried to send has been deleted from what a douchebag move that was. The person has better things to do, like fly a kite, or feed the homeless and doesn't have time for your bullshit, thank you and don't leave a message, it will go with the other ones that's no one gives a shit about! ☺

A/N: Savage Ethan be like.. XD

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