Cancer 1/2

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14 year old Ethan's


walked through the halls on my phone trying to avoid Evan. My 'boyfriend'. I didn't like him. But yet he loved me and is more dominant so, I'm like a puppet and he's pulling my strings. I had eyes for someone else though. She's sweet, kind, gentle, strong brave, but... she's sick. She has cancer. I always go visit her afterschool. We're good friends, she's my best friend. I have always liked her. For almost four years now.

She was diagnosed at seven, and has been fighting ever since. I met her when I was ten. She was my first true friend. I told her my secrets, she trusted me with hers. We'd share everything and anything. Sometimes it's hard to think she'll be gone soon..

I shook myself out of my thoughts and checked what time it was. One more hour..

I walked to my last class which is chemistry. Good thing Evan had PE for his last class so I can just sprint out of school and take my bike to the hospital. I walked in and saw the kids that bully me in the back. There was Connor, Bradley, Corey, and Grayson. I scoffed and just sat in the front. I took out my textbook and homework placing it on my desk. I saw a few girls talking in a group and boys talking. Aaron wasn't in my last class, he also had PE for his last. I sighed and sat there in silence.

"Okay class! So, please turn in your homework and we can get started.."

I packed his stuff in his grey backpack and zipped it closed. The kids were staring at me and I gulped. I put on the backpack and walked out. Kids came piling out of there classes. I walked out and too the bike racks. I put in the code and took it out of its chain. I stuffed the chain in my back and rolled my bike out. It was grey and gold. Thank you grandma. I sat on the seat and started pedaling the way I take to the hospital.

I had bought her a book and a bouquet while on my way. The book was about stars and the galaxy. She loves it when I buy her books and flowers. She was a bookworm.

I locked my bike onto the bike rack and walked through the hospital doors. It smelled like medicine and blossoms. People sat there crying or waiting. I had the flowers in my backpack along with the book. I walked to the front desk to see Mrs. Kate. I knew her quite well. She was the first face you'd see once you walked in.

"Hello Ethan. You here for her." She says with a smile. I nod.

"Aren't I always?" I chuckled. She nods.

"Is she awake by any chance..?" I ask. Mrs. Kate nods.

"She has been for a while now, she was asking for you." Mrs. Kate smiles. I blushed.

"May I go see her?"

"Ofcourse, remember the room number?" She teases.

"Always did. Thank you." I say walking to the elevater. I pushed the button for the third floor. I stood there patiently as the doors open up and I walk out. I made my way down the hallway to see room 301. I sighed and opened the door. There she was..

Her short light brown hair barely went past her ears. Her pale skin holding a book I bought her. Her amythist eyes glancing at the words on the paper. She was beautiful..

"Hey Vivian." I say softly walking towards her. Her gorgeous eyes made there way over to me. Her thin lips curved into a smile.

"Ethan.. I thought you weren't gonna come today." Vivian says softly as I hug her. Her skinny arms wrap around my torso.

"I always come. I promised you that I would." I say placing my backpack on the chair beside her bed. I takes out the flowers and holds them out for her. She takes them as a smile formed.

"Poppies." Vivian says taking a sniff. "My favorite. Thank you Ethan." She says.

"There's one more thing." I say holding out the book. Vivian places the flowers beside her as she took the book out of my hands.

"It's about the galaxies and stars, since you always loved space." I say softly.

"Thank you Ethan, I love it." Vivian says flipping through the pages. I blushed.

"Ofcourse." I say.

"So, what do you wanna do?" I ask. She shrugs.

"I don't know. It's been very quiet. The sky is grey, I haven't heard any birds chirping or rainfall, it's just.. silent." She says looking out the window. I shove my hands in my pocket. A scandalous idea popped into my head.

"Let's sneak you out." I say. She turns to me with a confused look.

"Ethan, no. You'll get in trouble, you can't." Vivian says shifting towards me.

"Come on Vivian. When was the last time you felt the rain fall onto your pale skin? How long has it been since you went to the library? Since you've been to a carnival or the meadows or have had fun? I want to let you live a normal life, just for tonight. I wanna give that to you, Vivian, please. Let me. Let's sneak you out, tonight." I say. Her expression looked like she's seen a ghost. I sigh.

"Ethan.." Vivian says softly.

"I-I'm sorry.. I jus- let's do it." Vivian interupts with a smile. My eyes lit up.

"R-really!" I say excited. She nods with a smile.

"Yes. Only for tonight." She says with a happy expression. I smile.

"Only for tonight.."


A/N: Part 1 of Cancer.

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