"I love you Grayson.."

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Third person

Ethan was pacing back and fourth terrified. He's gonna meet his boyfriends mother. He was so scared he can just puke. But he didn't want to, he tried not to atleast. Grayson stood there waiting for him to calm down just a bit so he can do the rest.

"I can't do this, I'm scared, I'm terrified. What-what if your mom hates me? What if she doesn't think I'm good enough for you? What if she never let's me see you again?! A-aww jeez.." Ethan says with his cracking voice. He continues pacing back and fourth. Grayson grabs Ethan by his shoulders and wraps his arms around Ethan's waist holding him. Ethan's breath hitched. Grayson placed tiny kisses on his jawline, to his neck, all the way to his shoulder.

Ethan calmed at ease. He turned to face Grayson. He placed his hands on Ethan's waist and gave him a reassuring kiss. It was only like ten seconds.

"She'll love you, they all will." Grayson lied. It wasn't exactly a lie, he knew his mother and sister would love him, but he knew his dad would be the one to break them up permanently. Grayson's dad already cut back from abusing Gray for his sexuality, but if he knew he had a boyfriend? Grayson was scared but he also was brave.

He once told himself, 'He gets what he wants. But I will never leave my boyfriend, not for anyone or for dad to make me his 'perfect son'. And just for Ethan, I'd get abused everyday just I so can call him mine, and mine only'. Grayson planned on sticking to that. He just hope it doesn't kill him in the end.

"Come on baby, let's go in and have a nice time." Grayson says opening his front door allowing Ethan to go in first. Once he steps in, the smell of tomato sauce hits him. It smelled good and Ethan took a breath and let Grayson take the lead.

He saw his mother taking lasagna out of the oven. He also saw salad, wine, water, and the table set up with a basket of breadsticks. Grayson was shocked his mother did all this just for a meeting with his boyfriend, but it also warmed his heart that she cared this much. He took hold of Ethan's hand and walked up to the bar.

"Mom?" He asks and she looks over with a smile. She walks around the bar and hugged her son tightly. Once she spotted Ethan, she awed at how adorable he is in pink. Ethan blushed lightly and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Mom, this is Ethan, my boyfriend." Grayson says intertwining his fingers with Ethan's. His mother aws in cutness.

"It is nice to meet my lil Graysy's boyfriend. Nice to meet you Ethan, I am Grayson's mother." She says and hugs him. Ethan hugged back.

"Nice to meet you as well Ms. Bailey. Thank you for having me over tonight. I hope I'm not interrupting something" He says.

"It's fine, it was no problem, and please. Call me Rachel." Rachael says. Ethan smiles flashing his pearly whites.

"Excuse me, ima get Aaron." Rachael says walking upstairs. Ethan raised an eyebrow confused.

"Aaron? Is that your father?" He asks facing Grayson.

"No, Aaron's my twin sister. My dad is at work." He says. Ethan nods.

"You never told me you had a twin sister." He says crossing his arms. Grayson does a nervous chuckle.

"W-well you see, I have told my sister alot about y- Hello." Aaron interupted Grayson. She walked downstairs and hugged her brother. She glanced at Ethan and smiled.

"Finally nice to meet my lil bros boyfriend." She says and shakes Ethan's hand.

"Nice to meet my boyfriends twin sister who I had no idea about whatsoever." Ethan says with a smile. Grayson sighs. Aaron looks at Gray shocked.

"So you bother to tell me everything about him, but yet you can't even tell him my name? Classy Gray, real classy ya bitch." Aaron says.

"Aaron, language please." Rachael squeaks. Aaron sighs.

"I'm fine, I don't mind." Ethan says.

"Ah! Why are we just standing here? Come on, let's go eat some dinner." Grayson's mom exclaims and runs over to grab the lasagna. The three teens walk over to the table. Grayson pulls out Ethan's chair for him. The action made him giggle like a girl.

"What a gentleman. Thank you." Ethan cooed. He sits down and Gray pushed it in for him and sits down next to Ethan. Aaron sat across from Ethan and Rachael walked over and placed the lasagna on the table. She sat down across from her son.

"Well, everyone dig in." Rachael cooed. Everyone did as told.

Ethan cut himself some lasagna and took a bite. He loved it. It tasted like the lasagna from Olive Garden.

"So, when did you guys meet?" Rachael asked. Ethan placed down his fork and wiped his mouth.

"Well, it was my first day and I was walking to my next class when Grayson bumped into me. He helped me up and we left it off at that." He explains. She nods.

"Ethan, what do you like about my son?" She asks.

"Mom.." Grayson groans.

"No, it's fine," Ethan starts.

"Well, Grayson has done so much for me. He puts me before himself any day of the week. His eyes are so calming. His smile was so bright and filled with so much life. His laugh is like heaven. I love the way he touches me so delicately like he'll break me if he makes a wrong move. He does everything he can to make me happy. To make me feel safe and secure. I don't exactly love for looks, all though he is extremely sexy in my opinion. I love for personality. Grayson doesn't have to protect, love, or even care about me, but he does, because he has a pure heart. And everytime I look into his eyes... I see his true self. I see him." Ethan pauses. He looks to see everyone shocked or just smiling.

Ethan looked over at Grayson. Grayson was bright red with his mouth slightly open. Grayson had never heard such a beautiful answer to why they like Grayson. He felt so happy and he just wanted to kiss him everywhere. Ethan smirked and intertwined there fingers.

"Grayson Bailey, I always say this, and I always mean it. But, I'm in love with you, I love you Grayson, please, never forget that.." Ethan whispers the last part.

"Ethan.." Grayson is speechless. He stared into Ethan's eyes in shock. He knew Ethan loved him, but he never knew why. He never understood why. He saw something in Ethan's eye, it was love and lust. Grayson leaned in and kissed Ethan with no hesitation. Rachel and Aaron gasped in cuteness.  

Rachael went closer to her daughters ear and whispered,

"He's perfect for Gray.."

A/N: You like?

QUESTION TIME: I doubt I'll do smut at all, but if i do plan on it being in a chapter, would you guys be comfortable with it? Or would you feel uncomfortable?

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