The plan

149 6 3

Third person

Grayson started freaking out. His dad. His homophobic father. Was home. And Ethan is here. His boyfriend. His dad will murder Ethan if he found out!

Grayson looked over and saw a scared and confused Ethan.

"Gray, who is that?!" He whisper yells at Grayson.

"My dad. He's home." He whispers back.

"Than why are we hiding?" Ethan asks Grayson and Aaron.

"Our dad is... 'special'.' Aaron says hearing footsteps coming up.

"Ethan! Closet!" She whispers to Ethan. He creaked over to the closet and Grayson gave him a kiss of reassurance and closed the door. Once that door shut the other door opened.

"H-hey dad!" Grayson says as his voice cracks.

"Hey Gray, Aaron."

"Sup dad." Aaron says as if she isn't even hiding something.

"Hi sweetie. So, what are you two twins up too?" Justin asks.

"Just ya know.. stuff." Grayson says.

"Mhmm. Well maybe we can go out or go order piz- YEAH SURE GO ORDER PIZZA GOTTA GET DRESSED BYE." Grayson says pushing him out and closing the door locking it.

"Your gonna have your sister watch you change?" Justin asks while on the other side of the door.

"It's nothing new dad." Grayson says truthfully.

"Okay... well Ima go order some pizza." He says walking down the hall down the stairs.

"Love." Gray says standing at the closet door. Ethan comes out and stands there. He was cluster phobic and he felt as if he couldn't breathe. He wanted to cry, but he had to be quiet apparently.

"Love," Grayson starts off pulling Ethan into a bear hug. "I'm so so sorry. If I knew, we wouldn't have put you there. I'm so sorry." Gray says planting kisses all over Ethan's face, forehead, and jawline.

"It's fine.." Ethan says softly.

"We need to sneak him out without dad knowing. We can't take the chance. Grayson, are you even listening? Grayson, GRAYSON." Aaron whisper yells. Grayson snapped out of his thoughts.

"Agreed. But how?"

"The... the, th-the window!" Aaron says pointing to the slightly opened window.

"Are you fucking crazy?! We can get hurt, or worse! We can- GUYS." Ethan interupts the two twins. Ethan was already at the ledge with his legs dangling out.

"Cya down." And that's when Ethan's jumps out the window. Aaron and Grayson's jaws drop.

"Ethan!" They both yell running to the window. Grayson looked over the ledge and saw Ethan standing there brushing off leaves and dirt. Blood ran down his leg from his knee.

"Love! Don't you ever do that again!" Grayson yells also positioning himself to just put down. 

"Grayson! Don't you dare! DON'T YOU DA-" And by that Grayson jumped down. He landed on his feet unlike Ethan, well he sorta did. Ethan's knee slammed into the dirt.

"YOU FUCKERS BE CRAZY." Aaron yells.

"There goes for being stealthy.." Ethan says softly.

"Agreed." Grayson says brushing off.

"You okay by the way? Your bleeding alot.." Grayson says worried about Ethan.

"I'm fine, trust me. Besides, it will stop bleeding soon enough." Ethan lied. He knew he needed some medical attention like to clean the cut and stitch it up or something, but it was the least of his worries at the moment.

Aaron yelped while jumping down, but Grayson being Grayson, he caught her almost tumbling backwords.

"Now what do we do? We just jumped out a window for who knows what reason." Ethan says.

"Now, we stall. So now we just gotta says we invited Ethan over and he's just a.. friend of mine." Grayson says. Ethan felt a shock of pain in his heart.

"Friend.." Ethan whispers softly to himself. He felt unwanted now. He felt lied to for some reason. He just shrugged it off... for now.

"Grayson, that is stupid, we jumped out a window remember? Besides, dad would've heard if if we even tried going through the BACK DOOR OR FRONT DOOR. So that, plan, is utter shit." Aaron says.

"I don't see you trying. Just screaming." Grayson says arms crossed.

"Okay than, how about we say, I invited Ethan over and that he's my gay bff, then I'll tell dad were going to get our nails done while you climb back up into your room, and get dressed for soccer practice. THEN, dad will just think we're out and about, but we meet up here to talk about progress. Plus, since Ethan is our guest, dad can't say anything bad about Ethan for being bisexual or gay since he's my friend, and because i'm his favorite twin." Aaron smirked out.

"That.. doesn't sound half bad actually.." Grayson says. I look over and saw Aaron nod.

"Exactly, now Grayson, start climbing, this might take you a while." She says. He nods. He walked over to me and started kissing me. His lips were warm and soft. Mine were cold and soft. I cupped his cheeks and he smiled into the kiss.

"I'll be right back." Grayson says softly and starts climbing up.

"Be careful.." I whisper. To be honest, his window was pretty fucking high up, so ofcourse I was scared he might fall. The one thing that was stupid as hell was, why the fuck didn't he just stay up?

I glanced and saw him close to the cil. I automatically got anxiety and felt light headed. Aaron grabbed my arm and took me to the front.

"Just act... normal." She says and opens the door. I sighed and fixed my hair.

"Dad!" Aaron yelled out.

"Yes Sweet Pea?" He calls back.

"I have a friend I want you to meet!" Aaron says as there father walked in. I gasped under my breath. His hair was Grayson's hair color, considering Aaron's hair is more dark brown. He was tan and kinda buff from his exterior. He had one tattoo on his bicep.

"Oh really now? Who might you be kid?" He asked walking closer to me holding out a hand. I gulped and shook his slowly but surely.

"E-Ethan.. Ethan Grant.." I say softly. He chuckles.

"Shy? I can respect that. So, what are you to my daughter?"

"Friend.." I squeaked out. He nodded.

"We're actually going to get our nails done! Yay?" Aaron says pulling me back a bit. He automatically gave me the 'You fucking gay or something' look.

"I see.." He breathed out. "Well, I'm Bryan. Aaron and Grayson's father. Nice to meet you."

"You as well sir." I say. Right then Grayson comes down in a grey shirt and his soccer shorts on. He has his cleats on and I'm assuming the rest is in his duffel bag.

"Aw! There's my son!" Bryan says putting Grayson in a headlock. I noticed Grayson forced a smile, so did his dad.

"Hey.." Grayson started off as he glanced at me. "I've seen you met Ethan." He says.

"Why yes, I have. He seems like a nice kid." Bryan says forcing a laugh.

"Well, Grayson has practice and we booked an appointment at like one so, we'll be going!" Aaron says pulling me lightly out the door. Bryan just laughs.

"Okay bye," He says waving as Grayson walks out behind us with his soccer gear.

"Hm.. they'll make a cute couple him and her.."

A/N: Ohhhh shit. So Grayson's dad is obviously.. what would you say? Fake. So yeah, there dad always forces a good time with other people, not acting the same way he does with Grayson. But, Ethan doesn't know that.

Knowing him... (Graythan AU) *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now