Exactly why

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Grayson's POV (fucking finally)...

I saw Ethan hide from me walking to the restroom so I snook over to his table where Jen and Jack are. I sit down and they hiss at me.

"Move.." Jack hisses out.

"Wait wait wait! I'm gonna tell you everything, and I mean it. I'll tell you guys everything." I say. They glare at me and nod.

"Thanks." I say.

"Your not off the hook though, now fucking talk before I kick your ass for hurting Ethan.." Jen says. I gulp and nods.

"So that girl is my ex, Destiny. She was cheating on me and was a bully to everyone. No matter what. And she wanted me back but I told her to beat it multiple times. She doesn't stop til she gets what she wants. And she wanted me. But I like Ethan! I swear! So when she asked if I was gay in class, I froze, no one else knows except family, friends, and Ethan. So I said I'm not and I was gonna tell Ethan it was to get her to stop, but he got so upset with me. I called and texted him so many times but he just blocked me. I tried and tried but nothing. And that bitch told me if I didn't date her she'll hurt Ethan right in front of me, I like him. I'm doing this to protect him. And if I tell anyone she'll do worse than hurt him. She'll get someone to legit rape the shit out of him. And I can't bare to have that happin to him. So I took the deal and now I'm stuck with her until she agrees to let me go. And if I help him out of getting bullied thats also another reason why she'll hurt him. I'm doing this for him, everything. I'm not a dick, I lov-" I caught myself and blushed.

"You what him..?" They ask.

"I-I love him... I love him. I fucking love him to death. I-I never told him that!" I say and starts freaking out. Jennifer rubs my back.

"Gray... we had no idea you were doing this for him, we are so so so, so sorry for our actions. I hope you understand why we did it though." Jack says.

"Ofcourse not, you guys are the best things Ethan could have. Thank you for never giving up on him. I owe you a lot for keeping him safe as best as you can." I say and they hug me making me tear up.

"Gray~♡" I hear and freezes. I get up.

"Please, tell Ethan, no one else, please?" I say.

"Ofcourse." Jack says.

"Thanks." I say and walks back to the fuckboy table. I sat down next to Destiny and she kissed my cheek. Eww... gross..

"Gray, where did you go..~♡" Destiny says with a pouty lip.

"To get... napkins?" I say. She raises an eyebrow.

"Oh, then where are they?" She asks. Shit.

"I dropped them.." I say and she nods.

"Okay..? Oh! Here's that little pest.." She says and points making me turn around seeing Ethan bright red. Is he... blushing..?

He walked past us and I gave Jack the signal to tell him everything and he nods. I nod back and get pulled off the bench being pulled by Martin.

"Come on Gray~♡" Destiny squeaks and starts walking. I sigh and follows along.

A/N: I'm sorry it's really short, I'll get my shit together, I'm out in Ensenada with the family so, that's why. 

Knowing him... (Graythan AU) *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now