"Let's just pretend it never happened.."

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Jack's POV...

I walked back to the party with Jennifer since it's her house and I still wanted to stay but also help Ethan. He won't let us in though, he's was pretending we weren't even knocking at his door for an hour. We walked through the door and saw almost half of them staring at Jen and I.

"Where's Ethan?"

"Is he ok?"

"What happened to him?"

"He won't let's us in, he's so embarrassed. He runs so fast when he wants to." I say.

"Okay, EVERYONE OUT, NOW!" Jennifer yelled and cracked her knuckles. Everyone then rushed out but, didn't see Grayson leave. We walked around her house and I found him on the couch with a can of Strawberry Fanta. I sighed and sat down next to him and he just continued drinking. Grayson turns and looks at me.

"How's Eth?" He whispered out.

"Won't even let us in. He's kinda losing it I believe. He just said 'Just leave, I'm not opening that door anytime soon'." I explained the rest and he has his head in his hands. I rub circles in his back to calm him down.

"You okay there... Bailey?" I giggled and got punched in the arm.

"Don't you start Dail." He snickered. I laughed.

"Don't worry, Ethan will be fine, I'll go over again and check on him, maybe he's asleep or something. I don't know, I'll text him." I say and take out my phone. I then start texting him.

Ethan's POV...

I laid there with a blanket watching Friends cuddling my bear. I then get a text, I saw it was from Jack, so I opened it up.

JackJack😇: Ethan, please text me back! Your bound to talk to me anytime now!! Come on, I'm a lonely bean... TEXT ME 😢

I sighed and started texting slowly.

Me: Hi..


Me: Calm down, calm down, what do you want Jack?

JackJack😇: To talk to my best friend. I want to help, Jen and I. Please don't be like this you bastard. Grayson is worried goddammit!!

Grayson. He's my friend, but I can't, the look in his eyes, disgust. I don't even like him. Yeah, I'm gay but... I need to know a guy before I say I like them. Besides, he's not even gay.

Me: You can come over, but don't tell Grayson. I'm not in the mood.

JackJack😇: Ethan... fine, I'll bring over some pizza and a movie so we can talk it out.

Me: Got it, and I mean it, no Grayson.

JackJack😇: Okay mom, I'll be over in thirty

Me: Kk

I ended it off and got off the couch. I took a quick shower and I threw on some sweats and a muscle tee. I fucked around with my hair and sat back on the couch.

"This night has been shitty.."

Time skip to when Jack comes...

"............." I then slam the door shut to see Jack with Grayson. I stand there panicking. What do I do,what do I do, what do I do?!

"Ethan! Don't be so rude! He's just here to talk! Now open the door!!" Jack yells from the other side. I then slowly unlock the door and opens it. I stand off to the side allowing them both in and they both walked in.

"There you are," Jack said and hugged me, "I was worried!"

I hugged back instantly not wanting to separate, already knowing I was lonely made me feel bad, it's rare for me to get hugs, or friends anymore, so I envy this.

"Now, let's go sit and eat before this pizza gets cold." Jack said and walked over to the couch. Him and Gray sat on the couch while I sat on the floor.

".... this is stupid, you too atleast talk to eachother, ima go use the bathroom, when I come back,you too better be talking." Jack said and jumped over me and went to the bathroom, he's been in my house before so, he kinda knew where everything was.

We sat there for ten seconds of silence until Grayson broke it.

"Hey, how's the pizza?" Grayson said awkwardly.

"It's... fine, I like pineapple better but, pepperoni and sausage is okay as well." I reply. I feel uneasy, as if I'm gonna faint. But, maybe I'm just tired. My head starts dropping and I force it up. My eyes slowly close but I force them open.

"You okay there Eth? You look tired."

"I'm fine... I'll survive, Grayson." I yawned and Jack walked into the room.

"Ima go, thanks Eth and cya guys." Jack said and left.

"What the hell.." Grayson said and I shrugged.

"Hey... Grayson." I asked.

"Yeah Eth?"

"Let's just pretend it never happened.."

Grayson's POV...

My heart sank.


Knowing him... (Graythan AU) *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now