The question

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Third person POV...

Grayson continued running with tears streaming down his face. He ran through an alleyway purposefully knocking over trashcans to stop them. Ethan jumped over them and kept running after Grayson.

"Grayson! Stop!" Ethan yelled almost catching up to him. Grayson ran through a busy street and that made Ethan stop at the sidewalk. He growled and went a different direction to catch him.

Grayson ran through a neighborhood, his neighborhood. He knew because he lived close to the school and found out he's close that way. He stopped and hid behind a tree catching his breath. He hears Ethan yelling and he ducks over to a bush. He sees Ethan run by continuing on and Grayson sighed. As soon as he saw Ethan turn the corner he walked over to his house where his sister Aaron was.

He unlocked the door and walked in locking it.

"Your back early." He heard and turned around to see his sister sitting there.

"It's like nine.." He said sitting down.

"Yeah, that's pretty early for you, you'd stay out past midnight when it came to your friends, wait, we're you... crying..?" Aaron says scooting more closer to see his eyes were red and puffy. He nodded slowly. She was the oldest so she laid his head on her lap while she laid back on the couch.

"What happened..?" Aaron says running a hand through his hair feeling all the sweat running through it.

"Is it about that boy? The one you always talk about..?" She asks. He nodded laying on his back.

"Tell me what happened."

After about a few minutes of explaining, Aaron was making him some tea for his throat. He could hardly speak.

"And then I crouched in a bush watching him run by, now I'm here." Grayson says taking a sip of tea.

"Nate did that..? He's a sweetheart. He would never do that to you."

"But he did, I'm not suprised. Ethan is a cute, kind, sweet boy. Alot of people would have a crush on him." Grayson explains.

"Is that why you liked him? What's his last name?"


"Favorite color?"


"Favorite food?"

"Pizza. Duh."

"You know him alot, huh?"

"Yeah... I do."

"Ask him out you lil shit!" Aaron says hitting Grayson's arm causing him to give out a yelp. Grayson cheeks went red.

"I cant.. not now atleast." Aaron did a long dramatic and annoyed sigh.

"Why the hell not, Gray.." She says with a scowl of anger.

"Um hello! I just ran away from him and almost caused him to get ran over! He probably hates me, I don't even think he liked me in the first place." Grayson says with his head in his hands. An idea popped into Aaron's head. She then grabs his phone and runs upstairs to the bathroom.

Knowing him... (Graythan AU) *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now