Coming home

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Grayson's POV...

I walked back home after that confuzed and upset. Why was Ethan crying..? What if he... likes me..? Oh god, what IF he liked me?! What if he thought I was talking about someone else?! I fucked up, I fucked up hard! I decided to text him while I was sitting at the edge of my bed.

Me: Ethan, you okay!? What happened back there?!


Me: Please I know your there!! Ethan?!


Me: Ethan I beg you! Please talk to me... I want to help in anyway I can, and if that means leaving you alone... than fine, I just wanted you to know I'm sorry if I did something wrong..

And I ended there, tears forming in my eyes. I sighed and took off my shoes. I stripped off the rest of the clothing and put on sweats. I then layed back and started drifting off to sleep.

Next day and Ethan's POV...

I woke up from my alarm clock, it was Saturday so I don't know why it was set. And then I hear rustling from downstairs in the kitchen. I gulp and gets out of bed slowly. My eyes were red and puffy from crying, fuck I cry alot..

I go downstairs slowly and sees a figure in the kitchen. I take a breath and walks over slowly. My vision became more clear, and I froze in sight. Cameron..

"Cameron!!" I yelled and she jumped. She turned around and smiled big and bright. I ran over and hugged her tightly. She did the same.

"Hey ya Lil bitch, how's life doing ya?" She asked smiling. It's been crappy, is what I wanted to say, but I said this,

"It's been good! Great even!" I lied to her, and myself. Cameron smiled brightly and gave me another hug. I did the same and saw she was making breakfast. I sniffed in the smell of bacon and toast and I was starving. Cameron must've heard my stomach cause she looked over at me with a concerned look.

"Don't worry ya big baby, almost done. So, how's life doing ya? Got a boyfriend, have a crush, getting good grades? Tell me shit." She says cracking an egg. My heart felt as if it stopped in its tracks. Everything that has happened, what do I say..???

"No, yes, hell yes." I reply taking my phone out of my pocket. I put in the password and the first thing that shows up are more messages from Grayson, I huffed and tapped on the notification.

Gray🙈: Ethan... please answer my calls..

Gray🙈: I'm begging here, please Eth

Gray🙈: Tell me what I did wrong! Please Ethan, I care about you too much to lose you over something that is possibly stupid! Just... think about texting me back... please..

I sighed and didn't even notice Cameron watching over my shoulder causing me to yelp and jump.

"Who's 'Gray'?" Cameron asks serving me a plate of food.

"Just... some guy I hang out with.." I said. She smirked.

"Awwwww, E-tee-wee-tee have a cwush..?" She said in a baby voice, I blushed hard.

"N-no Cam!! I d-don't!" I protested. She rolled her eyes.

"Suuurrrrree." She says setting the food down on the table. I growled and she heard it.

"Unless your a wolf ready to rip me to shreds, don't do that, it's weird."

"Come on Cam, I wouldn't rip you to shreds, I'd just feed off your dead karkus." I teased.

"Haha smartass."

I miss this..

A/N: I'm sorry for the short chapter I'll get back to my normal long chapters and shit. I kinda didn't know what else to put. Give me request for the next chapter if you have any at all, anyways bye~

Knowing him... (Graythan AU) *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now