'- - - - Cut here - - - -'

189 7 6

Third person

Ethan was walking around the middle school halls holding two books and a heavy backpack. Aaron, his best friend, was talking about someone who Ethan didn't even know, but he didn't mind. Aaron was his way to get away from hell. He always counted on Aaron to be there, and he always did.

"And then she told me 'give it before I murder you'. And she's freaking seven." Aaron laughed, Ethan snickered.

"So your cousin wanted to murder your just for eating the last cookie? Holy heck she loves her cookies don't she?" Ethan laughed. Aaron nodded.

"You have no idea.." He said. He shrugged.

"Same here, but with pizza." Ethan says.

"Mmhmm, I remember the scar you gave me."


It was Ethan's second year in middle school. He had his good looks and charm but he was taken by a jerk. Ethan never liked him, he was forced into it. But he didn't know at this point. He didn't know his emotions at this point. Ethan was still happy and did what he loved, but it was hard to enjoy for him.

He was sitting in the cafeteria waiting for Aaron. It's been ten minutes, where is he? Ethan thought. He waited more and grunted in annoyance. He threw away his stuff and went to look for him. Not only a few halls down, there he was with Ethan's 'boyfriend'. Ethan stood still at the corner hidden, listening in.

"So, do you mind leaving Ethan alone? Permanently?" Evan asks. Aaron was in pure shock.

"Leave him alone..? I-I can't! He's my best friend!" Aaron protested, obviously upset.

"He's MY boyfriend. Cleary more important than whatever you have with him." He says.

"YOUR FORCING THIS ON HIM. HE'S JUST A KID AND YOUR TREATING HIM LIKE SHI- Excuse me. But I made myself clear, stay away.." Evan growled, it wasn't even to Ethan and shivers went down his spine. Aaron growled.

"Never. He may be your puppet, but I'M not to obedient when you pull my strings." He says with fire in his eyes. Evan just rolls his eyes and starts walking the other way, opposite from where Ethan was sneaking. Ethan couldn't believe it, any of it. It's worse he's forced to be in love, but forced for his best friend to leave him alone?

Aaron stood there and kicked the wall behind him in anger. Ethan felt bad, even though it was all Evan's fault.

Ethan never liked, or even loved Evan, he was a jerk. He liked someone else. But he didn't wanna risk it. Ethan just growled under his breath and ran down the hallway to the library.

On the way he's gotten nine texts from his 'boyfriend', and it pissed him off. He stopped in his tracks and read them over.

Evan😒: Hey Eth ❤

Evan😒: I love ya~

Evan😒: Can't wait ta see ya

He stopped there and just gagged at the texts. Once he entered he got bumped into a kid. Ethan fell back on his ass. He winced in slight pain and the kid turned around.

"Sorry.." He says and helps up Ethan. Ethan was too pissed off so he had an attitude.

"Yeah, sure." Ethan says defensive and continues walking.

He sat down and held his head in his hands. Ethan sighed and just sat there. He's gotten two more texts and he read them over. There from Aaron.

Aaron🙂🔫: Ethan, control your stupid ass 'bf', he's going to far.

Ethan sighed and texted back.

Me: Otay, I will.

Aaron🙂🔫: Good, thx E.

Ethan had his head in his hands. He looked down at his pale, smooth wrist. He took a pen and started writing.

Once the bell rang he rushed up and ran over to his next class. The one thing he wrote with a pen was '- - - - Cut here - - - -'.


A/N: I still need more ideas, halp plz. So the next chapter is the guys little hang out. Btw, I made Juavier a mute, so he can't talk but he can still hear people. So, don't get pissed if he doesn't say shit.

Also sorry for the short chapter my eyes hurt. It's fucking 12:50.

Knowing him... (Graythan AU) *ON HOLD*Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ