Max the bear

139 7 1

Now third person

Ethan and Aaron sat there eating as Ethan said part of his past. By the time, it was already nine and they had been finished for a while now. The pizza place was already closing.

"Maybe we should go and I can say the rest maybe later..?" Ethan says finishing his soda. Aaron nods as Ethan gives her his card to pay. After that they walked out and got into the car Aaron changed radio stations. Ethan felt tears in his eyes. It was hard to think of Vivian and how things would've been if she never had cancer or died. What if he never met Grayson? Would Vivian and Ethan still be together if she was still here? Ethan didn't wanna think about it and cry in front of Aaron. He already has the love of his life, and that was Grayson. He didn't want anyone else but Grayson to hold and love.

The ride was silent, til Aaron asked Ethan a question.

"Want me to take you home E?" She asks at the stoplight.

"Yes please.." He says softly. She nods as the light turns green.

Aaron stopped in front of Ethan's driveway.

"You okay?"

"Yeah. Besides my stomach hurting, I think I'll be fine." Ethan says.

"Okay then, I'll tell Grayson you went home, he must be freaking out or something." As she finished that sentence, Grayson started calling her. She smirks.

"Speak of the devil." Aaron says answering and putting the phone to her ear. "Hello?"

"He's fine Gray. Don't worry, I took him home."

"I'm on my way home ya idiot. Cya." And with that she hung up. Ethan sat there confused.

"He gonna call you in a few minutes to say goodnight."

"Okay, well thanks Aaron for today." Ethan says getting out. She smiles.

"Ofcourse." Ethan started walking until Aaron called for him. He turned around.

"Vivian, I bet she loved you.." Aaron says softly. Ethan's lips part slightly. Hot tears formed at his eyes.

"Th-thanks.." Ethan says and keeps walking. He opened the door and saw Cameron knocked out. Ethan sighed knowing his parents weren't home. He walked upstairs to his room.


My room, I thought. I missed it since I was always at Grayson's house apparently. It looked the same, some clothes were folded on top of my bed though, must've been Cam. I took off my clothes but left my boxers on. I slipped into some sweats and didn't wanna sleep with a shirt tonight, so I left that alone.

My stomach turned as I felt sick. My phone started ringing, I looked at the Caller ID. Daddy. I was gonna answer til I knew I had to throw up whatever I ate. I walked out and to the bathroom locking the door. I looked in the mirror and saw me. My eyes were red and slightly puffy, my skin was pale yet I still had my tan. I shook it off and shoved my finger slowly down my throat.

I had thrown up three times in the past five minutes. I flushed the toilet and laid my back against the wall sliding down slowly. I sat on the floor feeling empty. Literally. I had thrown up everything I had ever had in my life. I wiped my mouth that had a bad taste.

Knowing him... (Graythan AU) *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now