There time

151 9 1

That up top is how I would imagine Destiny, so yeah.

Third person

"So, now your getting your nails done, ain't that quite.. girly?" Destiny cooed.

"It's 2017 bitch, deal with it." Ethan growled. "What do you want anyways?"

"Just came to go get frozen yogurt and chat. I'm here to talk about Grayson you idiot." She scoffs.

"And what about MY boyfriend?" He says crossing his arms below his chest.

"You know he can't protect you from everything. Without him your useless and easy for prey. You should just leave him now while you have the chance." Destiny says fixing her light pink skirt.

"Even if he can't protect me from everything, that's fine. He's still here in my life and I don't wanna change that. I know you just want him back for your own cheating ass to hurt him again. Besides, he loves me. He's mine, and I'm his." Ethan hisses out. She scoffs at his words.

"I already have a boyfriend idiot, it's you who I wanna get revenge on. So I'd stay close to your 'boyfriend', your gonna want him once I get my hands on you." Destiny growls and stomps out the salon. Ethan just rolled his eyes. He walked out a few seconds after and saw Aaron sitting there in the car jamming out. He snickers as he opens the door.

"What took you so long? I'm starving now." She says. 

"Just... saw someone I knew, caught up a bit.." Ethan says looking out the window. Aaron frowned knowing he might be lying, but didn't wanna get him upset about it.

"Okay then, let's go eat." She says pulling out and starts heading towards a spot she liked.

Ethan and Aaron walked into the pizza place Aaron loved. The smell of tomato sauce filled her nose.

"What kinda pizza ya like?" Aaron asks Ethan.

"Pineapple." Ethan says. Aaron makes a disgusted look.

"Gross.." She whispers.

"It's good! Pineapple belongs on pizza." He says proudly. She pretends to throw up with sound affects and her leaning over grabbing her stomach. Ethan rolled his eyes.

"So extra.." He says walking to a table.

Ethan sat down, as did Aaron. A few little kids ran around here and there, but there were mostly teenagers just talking at booths or tables. Aaron and Ethan sat in silence as if they were on an awkward date. Ethan tapped his finger tips on the table lightly as Aaron just kept sipping her water slowly. Ethan decided to break the silence.

"So, your boyfriend? How's he?" He asked actually curious.

"Well, he's a blonde, very pale, he has pink eyes, nerdy yet gamer type, hard to love but worth the effort." Aaron smiles.

"Could be worse am I right?" Ethan chuckled. Aaron nodded snickering.

"Well, we should probably order?" Aaron says. Ethan nods.

They got a half and half, one half was Hawaiian, and the other was meatlovers. It was pretty obvious which one is which. 

"So, how are you and Gray?" Aaron asks. Ethan gives a lazy smile.

"I.. I'd say we're fine. We haven't fought as a couple yet, so I guess we agree on alot of things. He says he loves, I say it back. Some girls have still flirted with me and him, we obviously get jealous if they don't stop. Besides, even if something does happen, we still come home to eachother. We still want to be with eachother," Ethan paused and looked down at his pizza. "I'm just scared one day.. he won't come home to me.." Ethan stops.

Ethan has lost someone he cared deeply about. His girlfriend. And for the worst reason to lose someone he loved. But that's for another time.

It was hard on Ethan for two years, it's one reason why he moved out of New Jersey to California. So he wouldn't have to see his memories with his crush die right in front of him from sadness. A tear rolled down Ethan's cheek as he closed his eyes tightly. Aaron sits there staring at him feeling bad.

"I-I didn't mean to make y- no. I-It's fine.." Ethan interupts in a low voice.

"Wanna talk about it..?" She asks softly. He thinks for a second. He wiped away a few tears and cleared his throat.

"I was fourteen when something happened.."

Knowing him... (Graythan AU) *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now