'He's' home

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My eyes opened slowly. Vision being very wonky and weird. I looked over, where am I..? I sat up yawning with a stretch. I look around. Oh yeah. I was in Grayson's bedroom. Now I remember everything. I looked over not to see him. I felt a slight jolt of panic. I looked around once more. I took off the blanket and stretched.

His door was closed, did I really wanna open it..? Kinda. I placed my hands on the knob and turned it slowly. I pushed the door open and saw the long hallway lead to the staircase. I walked through it slowly. I walked down the stairs slowly and saw Aaron sitting there on the phone texting.

"Hey Aaron.." I ask.

"Yes?" She asks facing towards me.

"Where's Gray?" I ask her.

"He went out to go get breakfast, he was gonna wake you, but 'you looked so peaceful while clinging to him'." Aaron says and takes a sip of coffee. I blushed at the words.

"I-I was what..?" I say with a voice crack. She opens up a text from Grayson and shows me the picture of my clinginess. I sighed and just chuckled.

"Well ain't that convenient." I say. She nods. Aaron sips her cup of black coffee.

"Texting your boyfriend?" I ask running the quietness.

"Yeah, he's at football practice right now, but he gets a five minute break so, he texted me." Aaron giggles out. I snicker.

"Oh shut it. You'd be the same with Gray." She says.

"Yeah, but he doesn't do sports nor is he never with me like everyday." I say.

"Yeah he does. He never told you?" She says concerned. I look at her weirdly.

"He does? He never told me."

"Yeah. He does soccer. After he comes back with food, he's gonna get ready for soccer practice. So your gonna be stuck with me for two hours or you can go home if you'd like. Your gonna go swimming with him anyways so, you'd just come back." Aaron says putting her phone down. I nod.

"Maybe I'll stay and hang out. Maybe we can go to the mall or just stay here and watch TV, I'll pay if we do go out." I tell her. She smiles.

"I'll think about it, if Gray's dad side kicks in. Than yeah, let's go get our nails done." She smirks out. I blushed.

"But, I'm a guy.." I say. I know it's 2017 and alot of boys have there nails painted, but I feel like I'll look like an idiot. It wouldn't suit me. For all I'll know, is that I'll look like a retard.

"So what, I bet you'll love it. You can get all black or purple. Maybe pink!" She squeals. I laugh.

"... fine. But I'm a get all black." I say. She nods.

"Well, go get dressed, Gray will be here soon with food, and I don't think you wanna go get your nails done in sweatpants and a sweatshirt when it's like ninety degrees outside so.." I nod.

"So your gonna go get your nails done? Cute." I hear and I let out a yelp and jumps back. I turn around to see Grayson holding a bag.

"Gray! Don't do that!" Aaron yells feeling my heart rate.

"N-no, I'm fine. Just sup-suprised is all.." I breathed out. I was never good with suprises. Ever.

"Babe, I-I didn't mean to scare you.." He says walking up to me.

"N-no no no! I'm fine! Just a lil bitch is all, heh.." I say giving an unsure smile. Grayson kisses my forehead and ruffles my hair.

"Your cute when your flustered." He whispers kissing my cheek. I blushed.

"Well that's weird to say, cause I'm not." I protest. I totally am..

"It's kinda obvious Ethan." Aaron says. I sighed.

"Maybe a little bit.." I whisper. Grayson places his hands on my hips and grips. He kisses my neck in different places. He places the bag down near Aaron and pushes me against the bar attacking my neck. I moaned under my breath.

"Wow." Aaron says recording. I hide my face in Grayson's chest.

"Hey Aaron, remember your birthday..?" Grayson smirks. She covers her mouth in shock.

"Don't you dare.." She hisses out.

"It's still on my phone for blackmail. So delete that video, or Ethan can see the little.. incident.." Gray devilishly smirks taking out his phone. I'm so confused..


"Yup that's my name." He sticks out his tongue.

"Man whore.."

"OH, SO I'M THE WHORE? HEY ETHAN, LET ME SHOW YOU THIS LITTLE VIDEO AYE." Grayson says grabbing my hand and pulling me upstairs.

"YOUR A DEAD FUCKER!!" Aaron yells and she follows behind. Grayson and I are laughing so hard as we go to his room and locks the door. He falls on his bed and coughs as she knocks as hard as she can. I jump back and I start coughing.

"Holy hell she's pissed!" He chokes out. I start laughing again.


"Nah, we're good." Grayson says and motions me to sit next to him. He presses the play button and it's a video of a wisdom tooth Aaron.

(Time skip cause you can guess what she does, a strip tease. She does a strip tease for fucks sake.)

"Aww jeez.." I laugh out. Grayson starts laughing and I can hear Aaron begging us to open up.

"We should probably open it up, Ima go get my nails done, and you have soccer practice." I say and walks to the door.

"Who told you I play soccer?"

"Aaron. Why?" I ask.

"Well, I'm kinda embarrassed about it, guys like me should be 'doing football'. My dad wants me to atleast."

"Don't be embarrassed, it's okay. Besides, I bet you look adorable." I say kissing his forehead. I walked back over and opened the door to get thrown down on the floor. She pinned my hands over my head and I turned red from our position.

"WHAT DID HE SHOW YOU." She demands.

"I-I---- I'm home!" I hear and I look at Grayson. Aaron gets off immediately and closes the door. I sat up confused.

"Dad's home.."

Knowing him... (Graythan AU) *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now