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Ethan's POV...

Instead of doing laundry at night, Gray and I decided to go to the Lookout Point Peak. We were laying on a blanket stargazing. Stars are beautiful to me. I've always wanted to do this. Now I am. It's like a dream I don't wanna wake up from. Every star was unique, it had its own story to tell. To show. My eyes were filled with wonder. I've never felt so... calm. Like when Grayson kisses me. It's so peaceful and full of love. When he looks me in the eyes, there's something there. Not lust, but passion. The way he touches me, like he's scared of breaking me. I love him. I love more than he'll ever know. I hope he feels the same towards me.

Grayson and I lay there hand in hand. I wonder. If I never met Grayson by him bumping into me, would we even know eachother? Would I still be cutting if it wasn't for that incident? Would he even bother to talk to me? Questions flooded my mind, but again, I was calm.

Grayson turns his head towards me. I see him smiling in the corner of my eye. Butterflies formed in my stomach. It was magical to me.

"You look so focused on the stars, like them?" Gray ask still staring at me.

"Love them, there beautiful, what's not to love..?" I say softly. He smirks and kisses my cheek. It was nice, it was perfect to me. What if I cut so much... I did die? How much I wanted to just.. die. Would I be dead right now if I continued on..? I rub my eyes and I see the faint sky around me. So beautiful, so far away. So far out of reach.

"What are you gonna do after graduation?" I ask out of nowhere.

"I don't know, maybe film or army. You?" He asks. I thought about it.

"I... I don't know.." I say honestly. "Maybe ima just move back to my hometown and see what's still left for me there." I add.

"Where's your hometown?" Grayson asks.

"New Jersey." I say looking over at him but stops when our noses touch. I blushed.

"Really? Same here." He whispers since he's literally right in front of me. I smile as did he. I looked at his lips. I bit my bottom lip and looked up at him. Grayson just smirked and put his weight on his arm. I layed on my side so I can look at him better. His thumb brushes over my lips once then twice. The look in his eyes said everything. 

"Well, I know one thing I atleast wanna have when I graduate.." I say softly as he runs his hand through my hair slowly.

"And that is?" Gray asks. I turn red.

"You.." I say feeling embarrassed. Grayson looks at me red. I can tell I made him feel uncomfortable or somewhere near there. But I regret nothing. I meant it.

"Oh really now?" Gray says smirking. I sit up rubbing the back of my neck. I looked over at him and just smiled.

"Yes really." I say. He just smirks and leans in. I met him in the middle. His lips were cold as if they were frozen. They moved in sync with mine slowly with so much passion. This is what I wanted. This is who I wanted. He touches me delicately, like if he does a wrong move, I will shatter like glass. Easy to break, hard to fix.

Grayson licks my bottom lip. It wasn't hard to tell what he wanted, so I let him in. His tongue claimed every part of my mouth in only a matter of seconds. I put my hand behind his neck signaling to him, 'don't stop'. And he didn't. He smiled still kissing me. Grayson broke off the make out. I whimpered from lost of contact.

"My mom would like to meet you at dinner tonight." Grayson says in a low voice.

"Really?" I say with a voice crack. He nods with a smile. I smile and tackles him in a hug. He falls back and I laugh.

"Well, let's go, she said it would be ready around seven thirty and its almost seven thirty. So let's go." He says getting up. Gray holds out his hands and pulls me up. I grab the blanket and we start walking down to the car. I sit in the passengers seat and Gray gets in the drivers. His hand slithers into my grasp. Gray looks over at me and smirks.

"I love you." Grayson says and places his hand on my cheek turning my head to face him. His eyes glistenined from the reflection of the moon and stars. They were comforting.

"I love you too." I whisper. He places a kiss on my lips and puts the car in drive, his hand still intertwined with mine.

A/N: I'm so sorry for a short chapter!! I just wanted a cute, fluffy chapter cause I wanted to have one involved with just them and no problems to ruin there love. So I did, obviously.

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