Changes to Myself

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I wake up feeling weird, like everything around me is moving. I go to the kitchen (Wearing nothing but my boxers) and get some food. "Oh you're naked, i can come back later" i hear behind me. I swing around with a piece of roast beef hanging out my mouth with a bottle of water in my hand brandished as a weapon. "Dammit Katie you scared the hell outta me" i say to her "And calm down we've had sex girl, how did you get in here". "Yea i'd like to forget that horrible experience" she retorts. "Wow, real cold" i say.

"I still have a key to this place, you never changed the locks from when i lived here" she says. "Well what the hell are you doing here" i ask maybe a little too aggressively. She walks over and punches me in the face. "Damn girl what the hell's wrong with you" i say rubbing my jaw. "You're a freaking idiot you know" she says with tears in her eyes while hugging me. "Hey calm down, i'm ok" i say. "I know you're ok now you dumb ass, and how the hell have you gotten bigger" she says. Somehow while i was in a coma i got more muscular, oddly. I was always athletic, but i've never been this big.

"I don't know, weird shits been happening" i say "Don't you have to go to work". "Oh shit i'm late!" she exclaims "OK i gotta go, stop being a dumb ass will you". "I'll try, bye" i say bidding my farewell. Looking out the window i see Nate's car missing. I pick up my phone and call my friend and also in college group, Viktoria. She's a foreign student from Germany, although she came here speaking better English than i do and i've lived here most of my life.

"Hey Vicky is Nate with you" i ask her. "Yes, and i told you to stop calling me that" she says, "You know i only do it cuz it annoys you" i chuckle "Anyways, i'll be over in a bit". "Alright see you then" she says. I hang up and get dressed in one of my old Iron Maiden shirts and a pair of old jeans and start walking. Her apartment is only a few blocks away but i do have to go through a rough part of town to get there, but I'm Mixed Martial Arts trained so i should be fine.

I walk past an alley and feel a knife suddenly pressed up against my neck. So i grab the wrist connected to it and yank it across my body, but i hear bones breaking. I look at who just assaulted me and see his wrist completely shattered and his shoulder hanging off, dislocated from its socket. "What the hell, that shouldn't have happened" i think to myself. I leave the man screaming on the ground and start running to Viktoria's.

I arrive at her apartment building and start walking up the stairs thinking about the incident that just happened. "That shouldn't even be physically possible, at least not his wrist shattering, what the hell is happening" i think to myself. I walk in her apartment and find them both studying advanced chemistry. "Hey the bear is here" Nate says without looking up from his book. "Yeah, i'm a bear, and you're failing chemistry what else is new" i say jokingly. "Hehehe, so funny" he says sarcastically. "He's been getting better, but he's too lazy to take notes so until he starts that he'll keep failing" Viktoria says.

"I don't know how you can tolerate him Vicky" i jest. She throws a pencil at me which i catch midair, my reflexes are faster too? "I told you to stop calling me that" she says annoyed. "Ill stop once it doesn't annoy you anymore" i say. "Anyways, Nate there's a movie playing at the corner theater later, you wanna come" i ask him "You can come too Vicky". "Who else is gonna be there" he asks. "Taylor texted me about it so her and Charlyse will be there. "Yea ill go" he says. "I'll come too" Viktoria says". "Yeaaaah now it's a party" i say

"Hey Vicky, you ever get your refrigerator light fixed" i ask her. "No, you can take a look at it though, it's really annoying" she says. "Alright i'll see what i can do" i say walking to the kitchen. I open the fridge door and the light is out. I take out the bulb and reconnect a few loose wires and put the bulb back in. As it springs back to life an arc of electricity flows between my fingers and the bulb, killing it. "What the hell" i think to myself. "Did you figure it out yet dumbass" Nate asks. "Uh yea, the light bulb's blown, you got any spares Vicky" i say slightly stammering because of what just happened. "Yea they should be in the cabinet" she says.

I look in the cabinet and find the spare bulbs. I put it in the fridge as quickly as i can to not have whatever happened happen again. "Ok all fixed, i'm gonna go get some food, do either of you want any" i ask. "I'm good" Nate says. "Get me some fries" Viktoria answers. "Ok fries for you, i'll be back" i say leaving the apartment. Walking down the stairs i can't help but feel like they are alive, i've been having really strange feelings since i woke from my coma.

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