Cause For Celebration?

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The next morning we rush out to aide the reconstruction of the damaged portions to the city. It's amazing what thousands of super powered individuals can get done in a day. In just ten hours, we cleaned up every corpse and gave them proper burials. The next day we fixed almost every damaged building we come across. The day after we finish building and painting the damage. Amazingly we fixed three square miles of broken city in just three days. Everyday I had to pass Nate's grave, and every time it gave me more resolve to see this cured.

The day after reconstruction ended, I spent the entire day in my room. "I could've stopped him, maybe a leg shot" I think to myself. "That would have torn through Viktoria's leg as well but, at least he would be alive" I continue to badger myself. All of a sudden Taylor busts into my room. "What do you want girl" I ask her. "The Progenitor is gonna pick the new Speaker soon, they are throwing a big party at the Council's Hall, you gotta come" she begs me. "I don't feel like partying right now Taylor" I tell her. "You sure? It'll be good to get out and have a little fun" She pressures me. "I'm fine, thanks though" I tell her, making her leave without me.

I look out of the window and out into the Hall. "What is this life, strife and worry" I think to myself "Is being a Sentinel really worth it"?. "I guess if what they say about me is true then, I have no choice" I conclude. "Tohu, I have to find out more about this entity" I decide. "And if I really am the reincarnation of Arkyn, then he should be dead right?" I ask myself "I have too many questions, and they need to be answered". "Ah fuck it" I say getting out of my bed.

I throw on my coat and make my way down to the teleporter. I zap down to the ground floor of this tower and start making my way to the Hall. It was a bit of distance but, I get to walk through some beautiful meadows in the English district. I enter the English district and pass by some people watching the party, televised. I keep walking and make it to the meadow. I feel instantly peaceful, like there is nothing wrong with this situation. There is nothing peaceful about this life anymore. My best friend is dead and my other friends are reliant on drugs to keep them normal. The Council is ready to go to war, which will only result in more death. "I have to hurry" I think to myself.

I speed past the meadow and onto the instant transport at the edge of the district. I type in my destination and walk through the portal, taking me straight to the Council Hall. The Hall is filled to the brim with people celebrating, dancing, drinking, and having fun. I push through the crowd to get closer to the Council meeting room, where the choice is going to be made. I come up to guards blocking entrance, but they move out of the way for me. I walk into the meeting room to see the entire Council there, along with my team. Taylor runs up and hugs me. "You came!" she exclaims. "Yeah, I decided that i'd like to see who gets chosen" I say. Charlyse and Viktoria were near Caoimhe having a contest on who could say words the fastest. They were drunk of course.

"You done sulking in your room?" Caoimhe jests. "I'm feeling a bit better, more determined than depressed" I tell her. "Good, we are gonna find a cure for your friends, then we are gonna kick this Cult's ass" she tells me reassuringly before she kisses me. "Attention, attention please!" a small man says while tapping a glass. "The Progenitor will present your nominations now" he says. The entire rooms shifts it's attention to the people lined up against the far wall. The Progenitor walks up and clasps his hands behind his back.

"These are your nominees Alharis!" he booms "One of these men and women will become your new Speaker of the Sentinel Council". He walks over to the line of Sentinels and begins to introduce them all. "Megas Alexandros, better known as Alexander the Great. He has commanded one of the largest empires on earth, and has never lost a battle. I think he is quite a candidate for this role" The Progenitor says. "Bacchus, he is known for liking his wine maybe a bit too much. But he should be known for his wisdom and his careful deliberation. Great man" he goes on.

The next nominee made my skin crawl. "Amaterasu, she is known as the wielder of the Sun. Amazing military tactician and, a very moral woman. A very good choice" The Progenitor says of her. She only reminds me of Nate, as she was the one who killed him. "John D. Rockefeller, known for being the richest man to ever live. Brilliant financial adviser, and brilliant businessman. Good man" he says. "Peter Alexeyevich, better known as Peter the Great. He reformed the Tsardom of Russia into a modern empire. Brilliant Statesman" he declares.

"The last nominee is....." The Progenitor pauses. "Leonardo Da Vinci!" he exclaims. "Painter, inventor, scientist. There is no part of life this man has not touched." he says. "Now, for the moment you've all been waiting for, the new Speaker is......" The Progenitor says with pauses.   

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