Insanity Rebounded

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(Jacks viewpoint)

"Caoimhe, are they gonna be able to handle it at the labs?" I ask her. "Honestly, i'm surprised this hasn't already been repelled" She replies. We zoom past buildings at a rate that I didn't think possible, but slow enough for the rest of the team to keep up. "Hey man, Taylor doesn't look so good" Nate tells me, speeding up to meet me. "This'll be over soon, she'll have to keep resisting" I say to him. "Alright man, i'm not sure how long she's gonna last though" Nate says before he slows down to join the others. "This isn't good" I think to myself "Taylor cannot fall to this illness, I won't let it happen".

We arrive at the gates leading to the Council hall but are stopped by guards. "Let us through, we need to see the Progenitor" Caoimhe tells them. "Stay back, we are under orders to not let anyone through these gates, including allies" One of the guards spouts. "I have superiority over you, I demand that you let us through" She snarls at him. He raises his spear and the five other guards follow this action. "You don't have superiority over the one who gave us these orders" he says aggressively "Now back off".

"Caoimhe, do we have to take them out?" I ask her. "No, we'll find another way through" Caoimhe answers. "I can take care of these bozos" I hear Taylor say with a giggle. "Shit" I whisper. Taylor walks ahead of us with her clothes ripped and her hair in a mess. "Taylor, come back here!" I yell at her. "Charlyse, calm down" Viktoria tells Charlyse, who is on the ground bawling her eyes out. "Hey fellas" Taylor says softly, walking towards the guards hips swinging. "I said get back!" the guard yells, pointing his spear into Taylors face. "Ooo, pointy" she says plicking the spearhead. "We're gonna have some fun" she says with a small giggle.

"That's it, you're under arrest for disobeying an officer of the Council!" The guard barks. Taylor puts her hands behind her back and firmly grasps her dual pistols. "You wouldn't arrest little ol' me, would you?" she asks with a pouty lip. The guard walks forward and Taylor draws her pistols. "Taylor no!" I scream as I rush for her. In a split second, she empties the magazines into the guards, splattering blood everywhere. I reach her and restrain her in my arms. "Hey, stop groping me or i'm gonna have to show you a good time" she says while struggling.

Charlyse stands up slowly and walks towards us. "Get back Charlyse, there's no telling what she will do" I tell her while tightening down on Taylor. "Don't worry, she won't hurt me" she says in a monotone voice. "What?" I ask. "Let her go" She tells me. I release Taylor and she kicks me in the shin. "Stupid oaf, you'll have to be the bottom when Charlyse and I have our threesome" she says laughing. "Honey, I need you to listen" Charlyse says to Taylor. "What is it girl" Taylor says impatiently. "I can no longer stand to see you like this, it kills me to know that at any second you could be taken over by some sexual deviant" Charlyse drones. "I love you but, no more" she says as she draws her revolver and points it at her own head. "Oh shit, no!" I yell as I go to disarm Charlyse. Taylor beats me to it and tackles her, bawling her eyes out.

"Baby I love you, don't leave me" Taylor cries. "I can't live like this" Charlyse says through tears. "No, I won't let you die!" Taylor screams through her running eyes. "I'm back to normal baby, and I'm not going anywhere" Taylor says, burying her head in Charlyse's chest. "So, large amounts of emotion can overcome this insanity?" I ask aloud. "Seems like it" Caoimhe answers "That may be useful to the research team". Charlyse stands up and starts to rip at her own skin. "What are you doing love, I'm normal!" Taylor screams through tears. "She's still suffering from the insanity!" I exclaim " Viktoria, tell me you still have some serum left". "Yes I do" she says as she tosses it to me. I rush to Charlyse's side and inject the last shot of serum we have.

"Alright, crisis averted" I say in triumph. Nate walks up to me and pats me on the back, but he seizes up all of a sudden. "You okay man?" I ask him. "Yeah, i'm fine" he says slowly. He walks over to Charlyse and hugs her briefly before returning to Viktoria. "Let's head into the hall" Caoimhe says, leading us through the gates. We reach the doors to the hall but Nate stops with Viktoria. "What's wrong?" Viktoria asks him with her hand on his chest. Out of nowhere, Nate draws Charlyse's revolver and presses it against Viktoria's head. He strategically places himself behind her and further presses the gun to her head. Taylor draws her pistols and I charge up a lightning blast.

"What the fuck is going on!" I yell as I walk forwards. "Stay back scum, Iwon't let you take me!' he yells. "What are you talking about, we're all friends here" I tell him, walking forwards a bit more. He begins to squeeze the trigger so I back up and aim my palm. "Calm down, that's your girl you're about to kill" I tell him. "Stay away, you won't probe me!" He yells. "Probe? What the hell is he going on about?" Caoimhe asks as she aims a sun blast. He begins to mumble indecipherably to himself. "Shit, I think he's finally succumbed to insanity" I say in pain. "You grey skin scum, I will kill your own!" He yells, firing a shot in the air. "Schizophrenia, not good" Caoimhe says.

"Taylor, can you shoot his legs or something?" I ask her. "Not without hitting Viktoria" she replies. "My sun blast will fry her as well" Caoimhe says. "Great" I mumble. The only shot I have is his head and, that will kill him. "I'm giving you one more chance, put down the gun!" I yell at him. "Come on you alien bastard!" He yells back. I charge up my lightning and begin to tear up. "Don't make me do this you fool" I say quietly. I aim for the head and get ready to fire but, my choice in the matter has been taken from me.

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