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(Viewpoint of Jack)

I begin to walk down the middle corridor and notice that it is very short. The door was only about twenty feet from the entrance but it was pitch black in the hall so I couldn't see until I got closer. I push the door open to find another corridor, also short. There were rooms on each side with whiteboards titling what was within. The corridor was still pitch black so I sprouted a fire in my left palm to light the way. "Observation room one" read the door to my right. "Observation room two" read the door to my left. This continued down the corridor for six rooms leading to a door at the end. I pushed open the door to observation room one to find another pitch black room. "Why are all these so dark" i thought to myself. I burned the flame brighter to light it up more.

The room began to give more detail. There was a wall of monitors and computers at the side opposite of me. To my left there were chairs and tables, as if it was for an audience. To my right there were metal file cabinets. I walked over to the file cabinets and opened the top up. Inside were CDs labeled "Experiment" with successive numbers on each one. I felt drawn to the one labeled "Experiment nine", so i picked it up and took it out of the case. I walked over the the computers and opened the CD-ROM on one of them, popping in the disc. I turned on the corresponding monitor and the video started to play.

There was several men standing there, three in lab coats and five in armored SWAT-like gear. The video begins with one of the lab coats looking at the camera saying "Experiment nine, injecting Sentinel blood into a drained living body". One of the other lab coats grabs the arm of a man laying in the operating bed and sticks in a few needles connected to a large tank. Another lab coat flips a switch, coursing blood from the tank into the man. Slowly, the man's pale decrepit brought back it's color as his breathing got faster and heavier. One of the lab coats got closer to the man and put his hand to his neck. "His pulse is normal" he says.

The man's eyes jolt open as he looks around. He goes to place his hand gently on the lab coats chest but the armored troops raise their guns at him. "It's alright, stand down" the lab coat says. The troops lower their weapons as the lab coat says to the man "How are you feeling" to the man on the bed. The man looks up at him and opens his mouth as if to say something. Instead, a pike of stone erupts from his palm and pierces through the lab coat. The man on the bed let's out a shriek as he creates a large blade of stone and sweeps it through the room, slicing through all but two troops and one lab coat. He jumps out of his bed and leaps at the lab coat but the troops open fire and riddle the man with bullets. The video ends.

"What the hell was that" i think to myself. I pop out the disc and put it back in the cabinet. "There's probably more like that down here, we need to find the animals and get and get more teams down here" i think. I exit the room and make my way down the corridor to the door at the end. I open it to find

myself in a large glass dome, overlooking a room with four beds with people in them. There are many labcoats and many troops preparing for another procedure. "This can't go on" i think to myself. I begin to turn

around when i notice something. "Those are my friends!" i say loudly looking at the operating beds. I turn around to find the door opened with a man standing there. "Well, this is interesting" he says in a high condescending voice. "I'm gonna kill you!" i yell, lunging at the man.

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