Tour Of The Complex

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We start driving to Carson City again when Bacchus flies down to our car level. "You need to offroad here, it's in the mountains" he says. "Alright i don't know how well this piece of shitr will do in mountains but we'll try" Nate says. We drive off the road and the car starts shaking a bit. "Turn on the radio man" Nate says to me. I turn it on to some Frank Sinatra. Nate looks at me strange and i say "What, i love Sinatra".

After about 30 minutes we reach some steep mountains that Nate's car can't drive up. Nate turns off the car and says "Well, i guess we gotta climb". We get out of the car and sling our backpacks over our shoulders. Caoimhe flies down to us to say "It's in the rightmost mountain about 3/4ths of the way up, right before it sharply tapers up". "Thanks, we'll be up there soon" i say giving her a thumbs up. "Alright let's climb this thing!" Viktoria says enthusiastically bolting to start the hike up the mountain.

The rest of us look at her surprised and confused. "When did she become a hiker" Taylor says. "I don't know, this is new to me" Nate says. "That's a pretty big mountain" Charlyse says. "Well, there's no use in standing around, we should get up there" i say as we begin to walk up. I accidentally touch a large boulder and absorb the entire thing, with it breaking into small pebbles and surrounding my skin, eventually fading into me.

We start to climb up with us catching up to Viktoria in about 20 minutes. "Hey girl wait u-" i am cut off by the growl of a mountain lion pouncing on Viktoria. "Viktoria!" i yell turning my right arm into a stone lance. I rush at the loin shoving my lance down it's open mouth before it tears into Viktoria. I see it pierce through to its back and i retract the lance turning my hand back to normal. I help Viktoria up and say "You ok girl". "Yea, yea i'm fine, just shocked.

"Let's move on" Charlyse says walking ahead with Taylor and Nate. We begin up the mountain and see a cave where Caoimhe said the entrance would be. "I guess this is it" i say walking in. About 100 feet in it turns into stairs heading downwards. About 50 steps down it turns into a large open stone room with decorations and furniture. "Wow, this is beautiful" Taylor says looking at the gold and silver decorations, plates, ornaments and weapons hanging on the walls. "Oh, hey guys" i hear Caoimhe say from the middle of the room.

"I see you guys made it up, let me give you a tour of the place" she says beckoning at us to follow. "So, this large room you are standing in is the banquet/meeting hall of the Sentinels stationed in the southwest US" she says pointing at the ebony wood table with rubies inlaid on all of the chairs. She walks into the left corridor signaling us to follow. We walk into the hall to see it's at least 200 feet deep. "This is the dormitories, there are 20 on each side, you five will be staying in these four closest dorms to the entrance" she says pointing at the dorms "Taylor and Charlyse will of course be staying with each other".

We walk out into the large room and take the right corridor. "And this is the kitchen, we do like to eat here" she says. "Who the fuck are these guys in my kitchen" a man says in a british accent preparing food. "These are our new recruits Gordon, and this tall one is a very powerful Sentinel" Caoimhe says. "Ah, well then i guess they can stay, as long as they don't fuck anything up" Gordon says. We walk back into the main room when Nate says "Was that.....". "Yes, that was Gordon Ramsay, now on to the final part of the tour" Caoimhe says walking back into the main hall.

We take the front corridor and come into a large room just as big as the main hall. "Ah, now this is the most important room here, The Training/armory room" she says. I see Thor and Bacchus sparring on the training mat. But i see two characters that i haven't seen before, one i recognize one i don't. I walk over to the one i recognize and say "Nikola Tesla". "Hmm, yes that's me" he says. "You're a Sentinel?" i ask. "Yes, yes i am, i have a nice ability to invent basically any sort of technology that the Council would need" he says. "Wow this is awesome, sir i have so many questions for you" i say excitedly, "Focus, i'd like to introduce you to someone" Caoimhe says.

We walk over to the armoury section and talk to a man with a thick russian accent. "Hello, are you guys the new recruits" he says. "Yes, guys meet Barys, he was the castle blacksmith for the first Tsardom of Russia" Caoimhe says. "Yes, i can create basically any armor or weapon that you please" Barys says. "Yes, and since four of you aren't Sentinels i've had Barys make some enchanted weaponry for you to choose from" Caoimhe says.

Barys lays out a bunch of weapons and immediately Viktoria says excitedly "I want the Katana" and grabs the Katana. "I guess i'll take the dagger" Nate says picking up a dagger resembling a large Kunai with sharp edges. "I'll take this" Charlyse says holding up a revolver. "I'll take these" Taylor says laughing maniacally holding up two 1911 handguns. "Good, that was quick, alright you guys should get some rest, training starts in the morning" Caoimhe says shooing us.

We walk back to the dorms and take our rooms, unpacking and getting into bed. "This is gonna be one wild ride" i think to myself before falling asleep.

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