Madness Overtakes

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"Sentinelity, wait i'm still confused" i say. "It's not hard to understand man, these are badass Godlike beings and that shard that you touched turned you into one of them and now they need your help to stop a big bad evil man or the world will be enslaved, simple" Nate says. "See, simple" Caoimhe says. "Don't encourage him" i say "Ok what do we need to do, whats going on" i ask. "Well we have to go to our Sanctuary near here, i believe it's right outside Carson City" Bacchus says.

"And your friends are coming too so gather your personal items, we need to leave soon" Caoimhe says. "Wait wait, we need to go back to our apartment then" Taylor says. "Yea, me too" Viktoria pipes up. "Ok, we will follow to make sure nothing happens" Caoimhe says. "Jack, let's get our stuff first" Nate says to me. "Right" i say. We go get our backpacks and put in things like clothes, toothbrushes, and other personal items. We come back to see Thor with a pack of ice in his pants.

"You okay there big man" i jest at him. "Shut up" he says. "Alright, Viktoria's is closest to here, we should head there first" i say "How are you guys gonna get there" i ask. "Don't worry about that, just hurry up" Caoimje says shooing us out. We head down to Nate's car and he and i throw our bags in the trunk. We get in and Charlyse says "You guys don't think this is weird at all, i mean i'm not the only one that thinks this is crazy right?". "I'm just as confused as you are girl" Nate says. "Yea how do you think i feel, all of a sudden i'm some ultra powerful super being" i say.

We arrive at Viktoria's a little while later and race up the stairs. Viktoria unlocks the door and we see........the three Sentinels standing in the living room. "How did you guys...." Viktoria says. "Ways" Caoimhe responds. "Come on, we have to hurry" Bacchus says. Viktoria grabs her bag and goes to fill it with personal items. She comes back and i say to the Sentinels "Alright just follow us".

We go back downstairs and hop in Nate's car and Viktoria throws her bag in the back. We speed off to Taylor and Charlyse's place which is in a rich part of town. Taylor won a $100,000 lottery about a year ago so they were able to afford a nicer place.i touch the metal railing on their stairs and a large part of the railing absorbs into me. "Didn't mean to do that" i say. We arrive there and Taylor opens the door and we find three men dressed in what looks like Spec Ops gear searching the place.

They spot us and open fire. I jump in front and raise my arm up when a circular shield of metal pops out of my arm catching the bullets.

I fry one of the soldiers with a bolt of electricity from my right hand when the Sentinels burst through a wall. Caoimhe raises her hand and a beam of light that looked like it was engulfed in fire shoots out at a soldier, disintegrating him almost instantly. Thor walks up to one soldier as he is shooting at him with the bullets just crushing and falling to the ground. He gets to the soldier and he stops firing, just looks up at Thor in bewilderment.

Thor just smacks him upside the head sending him into the wall on the other side of the room, embedding him in it. "Ok get your stuff we're running out of time" Bacchus says. Taylor and Charlyse rush off to gather some things and come back shortly. We get in Nate's car and the Sentinels start flying using different powers to do so. Thor is covered in lightning, Caoihme in that fiery light, and Bacchus in wind.

We start off to Carson City when we hit a military roadblock, a large one. There are two tanks on either side of the road and 15 soldiers guarding the highway. "Shit, how are we gonna get past this" Nate says. I feel something tugging at me, goading me. Then i lost control. I step out of the car and walk in front of it. "Hey, Jack what the hell are you doing" Nate yells. But i don't care. My mind is telling me one thing and one thing only.........destruction.

I raise my hands open palm and point them at the tanks. I begin to close them into a fist, crushing the tanks simultaneously. I drop my hands when they are fully shut and the tanks completely destroyed. I swing my hands upwards sending concrete spikes from underneath the soldiers into them, impaling every one of them. Caoimhe flies down from the clouds and injects me with some liquid and i slowly regain control.

"Tha- that wasn't me, i wasn't in control" i say freaking out "What the hell was that!". My friends get out of the car. "What the hell was that you lunatic" Taylor yells at me. "Calm down, it's not his fault" Caoimhe says "This is one thing we wanted to train you to control". "We don't know why but, these powers drive people crazy" she says "Almost any human that gets them goes insane, with some exceptions". "Even weak willed natural born Sentinels break" she says.

"This is something we can train, so we need to get moving guys" she says. We hop back in the car and she flies back in the clouds. "That felt......strange" i say. "Do me a favor and never do that again" Viktoria says with her nails digging into the seats. "Don't worry, i don't plan on letting madness win" i say.

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