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As i lunge at the man i hear him give out a chuckle. Before i am able to strike, he sidesteps me and grabs my leg, slinging me back to wear i was. "Slow and uncoordinated" he says walking towards me. I stand back up from the ground and swing my arm straight at his head. The man raises his arm to block me, completely stopping my strike. "Weak and uncontrolled" he says. His arm then becomes a weird liquid type matter. His arm wraps around mine as it then hardens. I try to yank it free but cannot get out of his strength. I swing my other arm to his head but to my dismay, he catches the blow. He wraps around my other arm like he did the first and i become trapped there. "Alright, let's begin" i hear one of the lab coats say.

"Who the hell are you and what are you doing to my friends" i say to the man angrily. "Who am I"? The man chuckles "Why, i am one of Arkyn's chosen". "We will restore our master to his full strength, in which he will be able to conquer the world and we will be his enforcers" he says eerily. "Your friends, well, they are going to become one of us" he says staring into my eyes. "Not on my watch" i say before i headbutt him, staggering him back and breaking his grip. "You cannot hope to win, you will lose this battle" the man says with a glint in his green eyes. I touch the ground and force a spike of stone to launch under him, but he jumps back out of the way. I then rush him, going full speed at him with my shoulder lowered. Before i hit him he sidesteps and whips his leg around to kick me in the back, sending me into the wall.

"This is quite the relaxing battle you know" the man says. I broke into the wall and dust rose all around me, blocking both of our sights. I raise my hand and shoot a large gust of flame at him as i stand up. I stop my flames and as they subside, i see the man standing on the other side of the room. "You almost got me there, guess i should take some extra precautions" he says holding out a remote. He presses the button and says "Good luck". There was some sort of heat that entered the room, making me feel a bit woozy. I go to make my arm a steel blade but nothing happens. "What, i've never had trouble with that" i think to myself. I go to make it on the other arm but still no results.

I then try to shoot a shard of ice at the man but to no avail. "What the hell did you do to me!" i yell at him. "Ahhh, a certain form of radiation that we've found to block the powers of a Sentinel" he says smiling a snakey grin. "You should still have your physical attributes but, those pesky extra things are gone" he says chuckling. "What about you, aren't you fucked too then" i ask him. He pulls out a necklace with a small tube like object on the end. "This little helpful thing sucks up the radiation and protects me" he says beginning to walk towards me. I run at him and throw a punch, but he meets my punch with one of his.

His was significantly stronger than mine and threw me backwards. I land on my feet and look up to see his boot flying at me, striking me in the face. I quickly jump back after that strike and get in a guarded position. The man pulls out a knife and lunges forward. I duck his strike and elbow him in the leg, then quickly dash in the other direction. To my surprise, he appears right in front of me, where i run into his blade. It had pierced me through the chest and put me on the ground. I went to absorb the concrete under me, but to no avail. The man stood over me and looked down on me saying "That was disappointing". "All patient's drained, proceed to fill them" i hear from a lab coat. The man began to kick me violently as i felt bones breaking and muscles separating. "Is this it?" i thought to myself "Is this the end". My vision began to fade into obscurity.

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