Obligatory Training Montage

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"Eh, what the fuck are you going on about" Gordon Ramsay says. "I saw the place shaking i was scared that something.......weird was happening" i say looking at the bombs and blown apart meat. "What were you even doing here" i ask. "Testing shit, why, you got a fucking problem with my methods" He says angrily. "N-no i was ju-" i say but am cut off by him saying "Get the fuck out of my kitchen you bumblin twat". "Ok ok, shit" i say exiting the kitchen. I shake my head and sigh while heading back to the training room. "So it was just the crazy ass chef blowing shit up" i say walking into the room. "Yea he does that often" Caoimhe says. "Now where were we" She says with a hand on her hip. "Ah yes" she says firing a sunblast at me, completely blinding and disorienting me.

"AHHHH, WHAT THE HELL" i shout while throwing my arms around in self defense. I feel my legs get kicked out from under and i fall to the ground. I feel a cold point on my throat as my vision starts to clear as i see Caoimhe standing over me with a sword on my neck. "Goddamn, what the hell girl" i ask surprised. "You have to always be ready" she says pressing the sword a bit further to the point to where it's uncomfortable. "What's the saying people have nowadays, expect the unexpected" she says smirking. "Alright alright, you've made your point, now let me up" i say in retaliation. "No, you have to find your way up, in a real situation like this you need to be able to react accordingly" she says pressing the blade into my skin.

I start to think "Ok, maybe i can absorb the blade". I grab the blade with my hands imagining it flowing into my arms. The metal starts to twist and become formless, absorbing into my skin. I sweep Caoimhe's feet from under her and make a blade out of my arm, pointing it at her. "Ahhhh, now it turns" i say with a chuckle. She rolls her eyes and says "Good move, but, you were too slow". "You'd already be dead in a real situation" she says with a chuckle. I retract the blade and turn my arm to normal "Alright so i have a lot to learn" i say extending my hand for her to use to get up. She takes me hand and stands, saying "A lot is an understatement, Arkyn would destroy you with a pinkie at the level you're at" she says. "You guys will also need extensive training" she says looking at my friends. "And weapons that can actually kill a Sentinel, Barys, enchant these weapons" she says to Barys.

For a grueling three months my friends and i trained nonstop, each of us becoming exponentially more bad ass. I learned the nature of my powers as well.

(Flashback to sometime in those three months)

"So they aren't really mine?" i ask. "No that's not how it works" Bacchus says as we sit at a table. "Everyone is born with the ability to use Sentinel powers, but few have the potential to become powerful, and even fewer humans minds can handle it" he says. "You see, when you are born a Sentinel, you are born with a mind and body that is designed to handle these powers" he says. "So, how is it that they all have different powers" i ask. "It's your minds preference, subconsciously, usually Sentinels only master one while they learn how to use multiple" he says. "Of course the longer you live, the more time you have to master them, so someone as old as me may have mastered multiple and may be able to use any number of Spheres of Control" he says.

"Spheres of Control, is that the name for the powers" i ask. "Precisely, and some individuals may take to mastering multiple Spheres, it's all on the individual" he says. "And what of me, what is my Sphere of Control" i ask. "That, that is another story entirely" he says. He starts to explain as the flashback fades to another one, cutting out his voice.

"So, it's like a battery" i ask. "Yes, but not entirely" Thor says. "All Sentinels generate the energy needed for using Spheres of Control, but you have the extra ability to absorb specific energies and apply them to the specific Sphere" he explains. "Right, and using this energy, it's based on thought?" i ask. "Sort of, it uses your mind to from the Sphere into what you want, let's take for example a lightning bolt" he says pointing hand at a test dummy. "I could pour a whole lot of energy into the blast and you get this" he says blasting the dummy, incinerating it. "Or you could focus the energy into your hand, imagine the energy travelling from other parts of your body and compressing it into the bolt, you could achieve the same effect with less effort and energy" he says blasting the dummy.

"That's something you seem to have problems with, but we'll work on that" he says as Caoimhe walks in the the room, leaning over a table at the opposite end of the room. "Just like she's working that ass, god damn" he says chuckle. All of a sudden the floor sprouts a wooden pole that launches itself into Thor's private area. "HAHAHAHAHA" i start to laugh uncontrollably. "I heard you, pervert" Caoimhe says as the flashback fades.

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