A Few Seconds Work

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We started down the stairs, not ready to see what was coming. "What are we looking for exactly?" Nate asks. "Some kind of research on why normal people go insane with these powers" I reply. "Are we gonna find that here?" Nate asks. "That's what i'm hoping man" I tell him. "Gnh" I hear come from Taylor. I turn to her to see her administering a dose of fentanyl. "We're gonna cure this girl, don't worry" I tell her. "Michael, can you and the other animals secure an exit route for us, we're gonna need it in case this goes south" I ask the bird. "Yea, I guess we can save your asses" he says before flying off of Nate's shoulder with the other animals.

We arrive at a door and find it locked. ""Oh, how terrible" I say looking at the door. "Get ready" I tell my friends. They draw their weapons and get ready for a fight. I pop my neck and ram into the door, tearing it off its hinges. The room was filled with guards that raised their weapons at us. Taylor and Charlyse fired at them, shredding through them with bullets. Viktoria dashed through, blocking bullets with a water shield and slashing through guards. Nate blinked in and out of the enemy, stabbing and slashing every one he meets.

In just a few seconds, the room was cleared. I stand up and look around to see it was identical to the lab under the amusement park. "You're a crazy motherfucker" Nate told me. "I don't think anybody thought that you would barrel through the door" Viktoria observes. "I-i thought y'all knew that's what I was doing?" I ask as i look to Taylor and Charlyse. They both just shook their heads. "Oh well, it worked perfectly, you guys are dangerous" I tell them. "Fourteen guards in just a few seconds" I say counting the bodies. "We gonna split up like last time" Nate asks, sheathing his dagger. "Yep" I say. "Same teams" Charlyse says, holstering her revolver. "Mhm" I say walking to the center hall. 

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