Rage Ensues

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The next kick hits my spine, breaking it in two. My vision is filled with blood and darkness, but the pain is slowly subsiding. Slowly losing all feeling. Then a sharp loss of pain, i no longer felt the blows. My vision was coming back, but was crimson red with anger. My bones set themselves and fused back together and my muscles reconnected and felt stronger than before. I felt a gush of power flow through me. A gush of power and rage. I lost control of my body, yet I was still conscious. As my enemy continues to kick me, i stand up to his surprise. "How the f-" he said stopping and smiling. "Oh this is interesting" he said backing away.

"I'm gonna kill you, then I'm gonna kill every scientist and guard here" I said through pure impulse. I kept at him faster than I knew I could, just barely missing him as he jumps back. "Oh, quite a bit quicker are we" he said with a chuckle. I sprint at him, throwing a punch to his jaw which he just barely blocked. His arm hit his jaw however, making him jump back. "Dammit" he said with a look of shock in his eyes.

He ran at me and we had a brief exchange of blows, with his breaking my basically every bone in my body and mine battering his body. He backs off and my body gets its chance to reset the damage caused to me. In the time of thirty  seconds my entire skeleton reconnected and lacked pain. There is a look of fear in his eyes now, but also a look of confidence. I find myself running at him again but he tackles me, pinning me to the glass. We grapple for a long period of time, trying to get the upper hand on one another.

He ends up throwing a punch at my head with me moving it to the side, with him hitting the glass and cracking it. An idea hit me "maybe outside this glass I'll have powers again" I think. I wrestle to grab his arm and hop to the side of the crack. I then twist and swing him at the glass, hitting the crack and sending him flying into the room with the doctors and my friends. "Shit" I hear him say standing up from the ground. "We aren't finished with the procedure Kevin, kill him!" one of the doctors says. "Don't call me that, you are to address me as Lieutenant Jefferson" my enemy snaps at the doctor. "Don't push your luck, i outrank you technica-" the doctor stops as he gets a shard of glass shot through his throat.

Kevin and the guards turn to see me standing with my palm out with a glass piece sticking out. The guards raise their guns and all fire at me, but i run dodging most of the bullets. I am not unscathed as many of them hit me, but they heal easily. I form a ball of glass in my hand and throw it in the middle of the guards, snapping my fingers and making it explode into a glass fragmentation grenade. The glass grenade shredded the guards and even hit some of the doctors.

The remaining doctors fled, leaving me and Kevin to fight. "You're starting to piss me off" Kevin says turning his arms into that weird liquid type form. He rushes at me, sliding to the side and whipping his arms around my legs. He made them solid and they acted like a rope, tripping me to the ground. I turn my arm to steel and slice it off as i hear a scream from Kevin. I jump to my feet and see him swing his liquid arm at me. I brace as it hits me, turning solid just before, feeling like I got hit by a truck.

I see his other arm reform as i start to wonder how I'm gonna beat him. I hear the click of a chamber loading just behind me as I feel a gun pressed to the back of my head. "A-a-alright, don't move a m-m-muscle or I'll blow your b-b-brains out" I hear shakily mumbled from behind me. I absorb the gun and hear him help and run. Not of my own control, i whip around and fire shards of steel in front of the doctor, making him zig zag as i keep shooting. When he gets to the doorway, i force the door to shut on him, slicing him in two. "Stop it, this is not me, I'm not here to kill everyone" I think to myself.

"You arent in control are you" Kevin asks laughing. "Shut up" I yell, raising my palm and firing shards of glass into his chest. Before they hit, his body goes liquid, making them pass straight through. I yell and fire a short gust of flame, hitting his liquid form. He screams and jumps back. "So fire does it" I think to myself. "I dont have a lot of fire left" I think "I'll have to make it count".

I rush at him and grapple him, loading up all the fire I have in my reserves in one of my hands. I try to line up a shot to his head, finally getting in line. I load it all into a fireball and fire it straight to his face.  Before it hits him, his body goes liquid and wraps to behind me. "Too slow motherfucker" he says as i feel a sharp tingling sensation in my back. My fireball hit the wall and instantly melted it. I look down and see a knife protruding out of my chest.

I actually feel the pain and drop to the ground. My vision returns to normal and I gain control of my body once more. Kevin stands above me and drops the knife into my neck, where my healing factor is struggling to continuously heal me. Kevin puts his boot on my forehead and slowly put pressure on it. "This is where you die" he says evily. A sharp bang let's out as i see blood start to fall from Kevin's head. He falls to the ground, away from me causing me to see a hole in his skull. I look around the room to see Nate on the ground holding a pistol. "Wow, i made the shot" he says before passing out.

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