Settling In, Or Not?

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(Small Smut incoming)

(Perspective of Jack)

The bliss lasts only a few seconds as it gets replaced with a hunger. I wrap my arms around her as the kiss gets heavier. We clearly had the same thoughts, because she put her hands up my shirt and starts moaning. I begin pushing her back, against a nearby dresser to serve as a prop up. We break away from the kiss as she takes my shirt off. I grab her hands with my one and hold them above her head. I could feel a more primal instinct beginning to take me over. Without thinking, I burn away her white collared shirt instantly with a contained fire that only burned the material. She jumps up and wraps her legs around my hips, pulling me onto her. As I go in for her neck, she begins gyrating her hips into my lap. Her skin tight jeans rub against me, furthering my appetite. Impulsively, I bit down on her bra and tear it off with my teeth. As I begin to kiss her breast I suddenly realize what we are doing. She does as well and unwraps her legs from my hips.

"Uhhh" she stammers, turning around to hide herself. "Yeah, that about sums it up" I say, looking for my shirt. "Maybe now isn't the best time for this?" she asks rhetorically. "Agreed" I reply. "Hehe, nice breasts though" I mumble hoping she didn't hear me. She smacked me upside the head after my statement. "Fucking perv" she says, opening up a drawer and putting new clothes on. I turn around and give her a look. "Really now, I'm a perv" I say implicitly. She laughs and says "Come on, we should get back to the others before they start to think things". "They probably already do with how loud you were" I jest, following her out the door. She gives me a sharp elbow to my stomach before she opens the door.

(Perspective of Nate)

I come back to the others after listening in on what i didn't want to hear. "Okay, i'm going to see what's going on" Viktoria says, beginning to walk to the door. I block her path and say "You don't wanna go in there". "Why not, let me through" she protests. "No, you really don't want to go in there" I tell her, giving her a look that she understood. "Oh? ......Oh!, yea maybe i'll pass" she says, finally getting what's going on.

(Perspective of Jack)

We walk out of the door and into the room with the others as Caoimhe stands to the side with her arms crossed. "Alright so, I know a guy we can talk to about this pro- what are you guys staring at?" she stops, seeing everyone looking at her. I look over to see what they were looking at when i see her neck. "Oh shit" i say, seeing a bruise on the side. "What, whats wrong?" she asks. "Nothing, continue" Nate says, diffusing the situation. "Alright, well i know a guy that deals with this sort of situation all the time, I say we go see what he has to say in the morning" she says, noting that it was already night. "You talking about Mr. Ching?" Thor pipes up. "Yes, him" Caoimhe answers. "I hate that guy" Thor says. "Too bad, we need his help" Caoimhe rebuts.

"Today had been quite a day, I'm going to claim a room and sleep" Caoimhe announces. "They should all be stocked with anything you might need, goodnight everyone" she says walking off. "You know, i'm gonna do the same, goodnight guys" Nate says walking off with Michael. "Uh, I guess i will too, come on you three" Viktoria says, bringing Juno, Hannah, and Nikolai with her. "Yeah, guess imma head to bed too" Thor says walking in the same direction Caoimhe did. Iron bars sprout up, blocking him. "No, you find a different room" I tell him. "Haha, alright then" he says walking away. I sigh and enter the room from before and get ready for bed.

(Perspective of Taylor)

I stand over the bed, looking at Chalyse asleep and exhausted. "I guess so with all that action, hehe" I think to myself. "Now, time to find a little fun" I think, sneaking out of the house.

(Perspective of Jack)

I take off my shirt, shoes, and pants and crawl into bed. Only asleep for a short time, when I feel a hand rubbing my chest. I spring awake to see Caoimhe sitting on the bed in nothing but a bra and panties. She straddles me and rubs up and down my torso. "So, wanna continue that little scene there" she says biting her lip. "Fuck yes" I whisper to myself, quickly pulling her down to me.

(Perspective of Taylor)

I sneak out successfully and begin to walk down the street. "Hmm, i wonder who wants to have some fun" I think to myself. I spot a man sitting on a bench and get excited. I walk over to him, hips shaking and bend over the bench. "Hey there handsome, wanna have some fun?" I ask him seductively. "Hell yeah little lady" he says, rubbing up my thigh. I grab his hand and begin to walk. "Hehe, follow me" I say sultry like. I lead him down an alley and into an empty building. It's filled with chairs luckily as i sit him down on one. I sit on his lap and place my arms on his shoulders. "So, you wanna show me my favorite color sweetie?" I ask him, licking my lips. "Anything you want" he says. "Good, tilt your head back" i tell him. "He tilts back as i reach behind me and grab my pistol. "You've been very helpful hun" i say placing the barrel under his chin. "What he he-!" he exclaims but is cut out by the bullet running through his head. The blood splatters all over me. "Ah, there it is" I say laughing maniacally.

(Perspective of Jack)

After a hot and heavy session i can finally get some sleep. However it is only a small while until i feel someone sitting in my lap. "Again girl, goddamn you're an anima- Taylor!" I say but am surprised to see her on top of me. "Taylor, you're covered in blood, what the hell" I say in horror. "Hehe, hey Jacko" she says staring at me. "You know what I think, I think you should fuck me" she says beginning to gyrate her hips. "What, no, stop!" i tell her. "Yea come on, you know you wanna" she says taking off her shirt. "Put your shirt back on dammit" I say. "Fuck me man" she says grabbing one of her breasts and rubbing up my torso. "No, stop" I try to get up but she pushes me down. "Fuck. Me." She says, getting visibly angry. "Get off of m-" i get cut off by her wrapping her hands around my throat.

"If you won't fuck me, then i'm gonna fuck you" she says squeezing my neck and further gyrating her hips. "St-stop, p-please" i barely get out, trying to loosen her grip without hurting her. "No, we're gonna have some fun, hehe" she says maniacally. "N-no, this i-sn't...." I get out before my vision starts to fade. It becomes a desperate situation that i need to get out of. I begin to peel back her hands forcefully, nearly breaking her fingers. "Yes, get rough with me twin!" she squeaks. I grab her by the throat, not thinking straight. Her eyes change from their crazed state to the eyes that i remember from when she was normal. "Jack, p-please, end this" she says as she begins to cry. I drop her, visibly shaken. She passes out, leaving me silent and concerned.

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