The Encounter At The Theatre

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Engulfed in fire i feel the heat burning my skin and shirt, but then the hellish heat turns into warmth. I feel my body absorbing it. "Ah shit yea, now let's have some fun" i think to myself. The man stops shooting flames realizing it isn't working. I actually feel stronger. He lurches forwards and punches me square in the jaw, knocking me back a few feet. I look up at him and say "You picked the wrong theater asshole".

I go to run forward and punch when all of a sudden my entire body turns to flame and rushes me forward, turning me back to flesh right before my fist connects to his face. "Woah, what the hell was that" i say. I kick him in the leg and punch him in the jaw knocking him out. "First electricity, then water, now fire" i say "What other powers do i have". I focus on the concrete floor and outstretch my hand to it.

The concrete around where my hand was hovering shot into my arm like i was absorbing it. "Woah" i exclaim "What can't i do". I imagine concrete handcuffs wrapping around the man's arms and legs and just as i thought would happen, the concrete wraps around them and tightens him to the ground. "I'm a goddamned superhero" i say to myself in disbelief.

I turn around and see my friends with their jaws dropped to the floor. "What. The. Hell. Was. That." Nate says. "Dude when we're you gonna tell me that you have goddamned superpowers!" he yells at me while they run towards me. "Well, i wasn't entirely sure this was real until just about now" i say "Oh my god this is so cool" Taylor exclaims "But twin, where's mine". "You'll get them one day, the universe won't let be different" I say.

"Mein Gott, was zum Teufel ist das." Viktoria says. We look at her confused. "Ich weiß nicht, Vicky, seine seltsam" i say. I learned German from ViKtoria and studied a bunch of languages in college. "Ich habe dir gesagt, du sollst aufhören, mich zu nennen, Vicky, du Fotze" Viktoria says. "Woah woah why the language girl" I say as everyone else looks at us confused.

"Jack you're an asshole" Charlyse says. "Thank you" i say. "Ok we need to get the hell outta here, the military will be here any minute and they've been rounding up people with powers like crazy" Nate says. "Where can we go" Taylor asks. "Let's go back to Nate and I's apartment, we can talk more about this there" I suggest. "I'm good with that" Nate says. "Sounds good" Taylor says. "I'm in" Charlyse says. "Good idea" Viktoria says. "Ok we should get in one car because there's likely going to be a lot of traffic" i say.

"I'll drive" Nate volunteers. "Alright let's go" Taylor says. We run to Nate's car and rush back to our apartment. About halfway to the apartment there's a military checkpoint. "Ok everybody just play cool, there's no reason they should search us". We drive up and a soldier come to our window. "We're gonna need to scan this car," he says to us. "Fire up the scanner" he says to another soldier as he gets a large device and scans the car.

"Beep beep beep beep beep" goes the device. The soldier looks at me and says "I'm gonna need you to step out of the car sir". I open up the door and step out. "You gonna frisk me man, if so you might wanna watch out here in the front" i say jokingly. "Shut the fuck up" the soldier says. He scans me with a small device that starts beeping like crazy.

He looks at the other soldier as they both point their rifles at me. "This one's definitely a Sentinel" he says. I freak out and bat the rifle of the one closest to me away. I shoot a bolt of electricity at the far one and throw the near one at a wall, knocking them both out. I jump back in the car and yell "Drive drive drive". Nate floors it and rushes down back alleys to get to our apartment.

"Jack what the hell we're you thinking" Taylor yells at me while smacking me in the back of the head. "I-I don't know, i panicked okay" i say. "Great, now the military is on our asses" Nate says. We arrive at our apartment and rush in. I open the door and see three people standing there. One female, tall, at least six foot, pale skinned, pretty, blue eyes brownish hair. A shorter man, about 5'4, brown hair tan skin. An extremely tall man, i'd say 6'10, long flowing blonde hair, very muscular, handsome electrifying appearance. They were all wearing some kind of armor, but all sort of different.

"Día duit, bhíamar ag súil go mór leat" the female says. "W-What" i say. "Þeir hafa ekki sömu hæfileika og við gerum Caoimhe" the tall man says. I recognize that one, They don't have the same abilities as we do Caoimhe. "Ut audientes universa dubito Thor" the short man says. "Latin" i think "What the hell is going on".

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