Mission One

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"Okay, we have a team, now what?" Nate asks. "Your first official mission, you will be debriefed now" Ramses states. "Wait wait wait, something is bothering me" I speak up. "Hmmm?" Ramses vocalizes. "Why did we get chosen for this team? Why not people that are skilled and experienced?" I ask. "Well, you five have a proven track record of working well together so, that makes it easier" He responds. "Also most of us are already on a team so, there was not many choices left" Alexander says. Ramses glares at him and Alexander throws up his hands in a gesture of not caring.

"Anyway, your first mission" Ramses says turning to the screen on the wall. He flips a switch telepathically and the screen turns on to show a large compound. "What you are looking at is a prison in Syria, their government has allied itself with this cult in exchange for the defeat of insurgents in the area" He explains. "In this prison are a few very powerful Sentinels that are being contained by methods that we can't exactly pinpoint" he says. "So you want us to assault the prison?" Nate asks. "No, you would be killed in no time" he quips "No, you must infiltrate and free these Sentinels, and possibly find out what kind of technology they are using to contain them".

"Sounds good, when do we leave" I ask. Ramses looks at his watch and says "Right now". We rush out of the room and return to our suites to pack our bags. "Hey co captain, you feeling good?" Caoimhe asks hanging her head inside my room. "Yeah, i'm feeling like we are gonna be in and out real quick" I say turning around and walking towards her. She walks completely into my rooms and throws her arms around my neck. "And when we get back, we'll have some personal R&R" I say laughing. I give her a deep kiss then return to packing my things.

About thirty minutes pass and we are all standing in the hall wondering how we are getting there. Caoimhe walks up and informs us. "There is a transport craft waiting for us on the landing pad on top of this building" she says as she walks to the elevator. We follow up to the top to see some type of aircraft waiting for us. It was large enough to carry a dozen people, but small enough to not be too slow or clumsy. "Everyone in!" Caoimhe excitedly tells us.

We enter the craft and the door closes and seals like a wall. A loud droning sound erupts below us as we begin to take off. "What the hell is that" Charlyse asks terrified. "It's repulsor lift tech, very fast and efficient of fuel" Caoimhe responds. "Well, how long will this take" I ask. "From Alharis, about twenty minutes" she informs us. "Well, we should talk about our strategy on getting into this prison" Taylor adds. The craft speeds up, forcing us to hold onto the handles above us.

"Yes, strategy, well I have an idea" Nate quips. "Alright, let's hear it" Caoimhe says. "Well, Charlyse here can copy into a guard and semi lead us through and I can turn invisible so I can deal with any threats quietly" he says. "Since when were you able to turn invisible?" I ask. "I've been messing around with my powers and found out I can blink away the light around me" he says. "Alright, what about the cameras?" Charlyse asks. "Well, Viktoria here can use her newfound powers of ice to freeze the insides of the cameras, rendering them useless" He says. "Anybody else found new powers?" Caoimhe asks. "Well, I sometimes have visions of the near future" Taylor says.

"Alright, sounds pretty good but, what about getting through the cells?" Caoimhe asks. "Gorilla man over here can make quick work of those" Nate says gesturing to me. "I accept my role" I respond. "Taylor, I may need you to make illusions to distract any guards from noticing me" He asks Taylor. "My invisibility is good but not perfect" he adds. "Alright, sounds fine" she replies. "And Caoimhe, I believe you were given the information on the prisoners?" he asks. "Yes I was" she says. "When did you get good at this stuff?" I inquire. "Well, i've had some help getting better focus and it turns out i'm actually smart" he says nudging Viktoria.

"Caoimhe, the prisoners?" I ask. "Right, so there are four in total" she says. "The first one is named Yakul Nazameti, he is a Japanese man with a scar on his right eye as well as a songbird tattoo on his right arm" she says "His powers are sonic manipulations, and Mr. Nazameti is very skilled in that regard". "The next is named Boudica, she is a very old Sentinel of Celtic descent" she explains "Pale and covered in tribal markings, she has control over plant life". "The next one is extremely powerful, his name is John Tate, he is light skinned and tall" she tells us "He has extreme skill in the use of fire and is covered in flame motif tattoos".

"This last guy is the most powerful of these four, as well as the most powerful in this part of the world most likely" she says with a shudder. "Honestly I have no idea how they subdued him" she admits. "Well he can't be that good then can he" Nate laughs. "Well, the Council Speaker sent him to this country because he was afraid that if he decided to go rogue he could kill half the Council" she snarls. Nate stayed quiet. "Now, he doesn't technically have a set physical description as he doesn't have a definite form, but his go to model is a tall white male with striking blue eyes and brown hair" she says "Usually covered in a jacket and hoodie". "He is cold and heartless, although he does swear allegiance to the Council.

"Well, what can he do?" Viktoria asks. "He can transform his genetic structure to form whatever he wishes, effectively making himself a shapeshifter that actually works" Caoimhe says "He can also devour living creatures to heal and add to his own genetic code". "He is potentially physically limitless, however his power slowly fades when he has nothing to feed on" she ends. "Wait, that sounds familiar" Nate says. "He did serve as inspiration for a video game character" Caoimhe replies. "Now I suggest that we keep him in whatever state they have him trapped in as he will be very hungry and could make quick work of us and the entire prison" she explains. The transport we are in comes to a landing, signalling that our mission has begun.

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