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(Nate's perspective)

We walked away from Caoimhe and Jack, heading towards the portal to the city. "Jeez, what's their problem" I say to the group. "I don't know, they were both acting strange" Viktoria says. "Ah well, we could use this time to explore around a bit, see what this city has to offer" I say. "We should split up, that way we can see more in less time" Taylor says. "Good idea, I'll head through first i guess" i say walking towards the portal with Michael on my shoulder. I walk through and shift to another part of the city. There were buildings made of stucco and a lot of food markets around. "Well, what is there to see here" I ask Michael. My stomach growls loudly before he can talk. "Well, that means we eat" he says from on my shoulder. "And we're in luck, this is the Spanish part of the city so there is bound to be good food" he chirps.

We start to walk around the market stalls seeing all sorts of delectable foods. The first one we come up to has fruit stacked in a pyramid. I can't tell what kind of fruit though, it seemed different than anything else I've ever seen. I spot the man working the stall and ask him "What kind of fruit is this?". "Ah, these are Nigiri Apples, they don't grow on mainland earth so you'll only find them up here" the man says. "Why don't you try one, they taste pretty awesome" he says handing me one. "Thanks man" I tell him. I take out my dagger and slice off a piece for Michael.

I take a bite of the apple and instantly get an explosion of flavor. My eyes widen and my mouth waters. It had an overall apple taste, but it was mixed with honey and oatmeal. The aftertaste was of blueberry and made me quite satisfied. "Sir, this is the most delicious apple I've ever tasted" i tell the man. "I'm glad you like it, go ahead and take it, my treat" he tells me. "Thank you mister" i say before taking my leave. Michael was just finishing up his piece when he says "Oh yea, that was pretty good". I continue walking but a thought crosses my mind and i freeze. "Michael" i say. "Yes?" he replies. "We were just speaking Spanish back there" i say. "No, i thought you were speaking in an African click dialect" Michael says sarcastically. I glare at him and he chuckles. "You have Sentinel powers now, and that includes understanding and speaking all of earth's languages" he says.

"Yeah, i can get used to that" i say before beginning to walk again. We walk past more stores, selling a variety of things. One store was selling porcelain statues that looked flawless. Another store was selling leather items and books. "This place is amazing" i say. "Oh there is much much more to see, but it would take a lifetime to experience everything this city has to offer" Michael says. I spot a store that was selling mirrors and immediately bee lined to it. I look in the mirror and say "Who's that handsome devil". "Oh, that's me, i can't help looking this good" Michael jests. "You really look in mirrors and admire yourself, i used to do that" he says laughing. We exit the store and walk down the streets again.

As we keep walking we enter a different part of town, a run down and dirty part. "Oh, this is the dangerous section of the Spanish town" Michael says. "Dangerous?" i ask. "Yea, there are three sections to each town: Rich and safest, middle and mostly safe, poor and dangerous" he says. "Seems that not even super powerful Sentinels can escape crime" i mumble. We keep walking, trying to get to another part of the city. People walking down the street keep making glances at me, some smiling slyly. "Hey Michael, tell me how to use your powers if i need them" I tell him. "Well, you just focus on an area and imagine yourself there" he says "Imagine that you were stepping through a portal that brought you there". "Thanks" i tell him and keep walking.

A man walks up to me and asks me "Do you know where i can find robdu?". "Robdu?" i ask. "Yea, as in, robbed you!" he shouts running off and taking my dagger. I spin around and shout "Hey!". "Alright let's see what i can do here" i say, concentrating on the area right in front and above him. I pretend in my mind like i'm stepping through a portal and suddenly appear in the air. I drop down on the man's back and wrap my arm into a headlock. He punches at my arm but is of no use. I tighten my headlock and squeeze until he passes out. "Oh shit, that was a rush" i say picking up my dagger. "Let's get out of here" I tell Michael who was still on my shoulder.

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