Never The Answer

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(Warning: this chapter deals with some very serious matters, if you are uncomfortable with suicide or depression, be advised that it is the main theme of this chapter)

I put Taylor down as she drops to her knees and begins to sob into her hands. "Mr. Ching?" Caoimhe says walking to his body. "He's..... dead" She says solemnly. "I don't know any other doctors that would give us Fentanyl without a prescription" she says worriedly. "We're going to have to make this vial last then" I say looking at the body of the man that killed Mr. Ching. "These people...... this cult, they keep ending innocent lives, for what?" Viktoria pipes up. "What could they gain by all of this?" she says shaking her head. "Think about it, all of their members seem crazed, maybe they have a way of controlling the insane ones?" Nate says "And they are trying to force us into insanity so they can bolster their numbers". "It makes sense, they did just kill our way of keeping Taylor sane" I say walking over to her.

"Taylor, you okay?" I ask her putting my hand on her shoulder. She jumps back at the touch and sobs into her hands harder. "Hey, calm down, everything's alright" I tell her assuredly. "No, no it's not" she says in between breaths. Charlyse walks over to her and hugs her, but Taylor shoves her off. "No, don't touch me, don't touch me" she sobs harder. "Girl, whats wrong, talk to us" Nate says walking over to her. She mumbles something under her breath. "What was that honey?" Charlyse asks getting closer. She mumbles the same thing under her breath, no one able to hear it. "Twin, speak up" I tell her, kneeling down next to her. "I said back up!" she yells "I can't breathe, I can't breathe" she says quietly in between breaths. We all back up, letting her get some air. Caoimhe goes and fills a cup with water and hands it to her. She drinks the cup and begins to calm down.

"Okay, I'm Okay" she says with a big breath. A few guards arrive, Caoimhe must have called them. "Can anyone tell us what happened" The smaller one says. Caoimhe explains what happened to guard while the larger one searches the room. "Go back home, we'll investigate this". We collect ourselves and head back to where we are staying. I open the door to the house first and see a man laying on the ground, with his head twisted in an odd way. Thor jumps out from the corner and fires a blast of lightning at us. I raise a rubber shield just in time, absorbing the shock. "What the fuck are you doing asshole!" I yell at him. "Oh shit, I thought you were his buddy" he says pointing at the body.

"So what the hell happened here" Caoimhe asks when we all get settled in. "So, this guys come in right, and I'm like 'what are you doing here' and he's like 'just looking around' and i'm like ' get the fuck out' then he attacks me and now he's dead" Thor yammers on. Caoimhe rolls her eyes then says "Clean this shit up dumb ass". We start to head to our respective beds and try to rest. About an hour later i can't seem to get any sleep. I decide to get some water from the kitchen, but hear noises coming from a closet in the hallway. I walk over to the door and see the light coming from underneath.

I swing open the door and see Taylor sitting on the ground, underneath some hung up clothes. She had the vial of Fentanyl and the syringe filled all the way. My eyes widened at what I saw, so I flick out a steel wire and wrap around the syringe and pull it into my hand. I walk over to Taylor as she begins to cry. I kneel down next to her and slowly take the vial from her so she can lift her hands to her face. "Okay, looks like we need to have a talk" I say, sitting next to her under the clothes.

"Why are you doing this?" I ask her, putting the Fentanyl back into the vial. She stops crying and just takes a deep breath. "I saw everything" she whispers. "What do you mean?" I ask. "Everything i was doing, i experienced it all, but I couldn't stop" she says emotionlessly. "You saw everything?" I ask "Every bit?". "Everything, and that can't happen again, so I was going to make sure that it didn't " she stammers. "This isn't the answer girl, they are trying to figure out how to fix this, and it will come" I tell her. "What if it doesn't, I can't go crazy like that again Jack" she says desperately. "Suicide is never the answer, we love you, and will never stop loving you" I tell her. "Ending it won't fix anything, and think of if it doesn't kill you" I say "This stuff can leave you paralyzed, would you really want to live like that?" I ask her. She begins to cry again. "No" she says. "There is no reason to end your life, we are going to fix this and everything will be right again" I tell her.

"None of what you did was you, it was like if you were possessed" I say "That isn't you, and none of it is your fault". She begins to cry harder when surprisingly, she throws her arms around me and cries into my chest. "Uhh, you thinking straight?" I ask her. "H-hug me back, you're the only man whose touch doesn't feel like a threat" she says crying "Feels more like the embrace of a brother" . I wrap my arms around her head and pat her back. "I promise you, everything is going to be fixed" i tell her. "You promise?" she asks. "I promise, now, let's get you to bed" i say. "Carry me, I-I can't walk" she pleads. I wrap one arm under her knees and the other behind her back and pick her up. She stops crying and wipes her tears. "Thank you" she says in a sniffle.

I walk to the room she is staying in with Charlyse and set her on the bed. "Go to sleep" I mouth to her. "I will, goodnight" she mouths back. I exit the room and go to mine. I lay my hands on the dresser and sigh. "That's it, I'm done playing" I think to myself. "I'm done sitting around watching everything fall apart, i'm going to take action" I think. I grab a bag and start packing the essentials. I finish packing and head to walk out the door. I head towards the portal house, anxious for what lies ahead. "Time to hunt down some pricks" I say aloud, walking down the road, alone.

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