The Enemy Behind Us

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Caoimhe stood there wordless. "All of this passive meandering, Sentinels could do much more than this" The Speaker says while loosening his telekinetic grip on my body. I could feel my bones and tissue struggling to keep up with the pressure. "What do you mean, we have been Earth's peacekeepers for nearly two millennia now? And you're just gonna throw that all away for what exactly?" Caoimhe asks. "Power" the Speaker says nonchalantly. "Arkyn has the power to rule countless planets, command an empire of trillions!" he exclaims "And he offered me his right hand position".

He loosened his grip on me further, allowing me to repulse his telekinesis. "You son of a bitch!" I yell as I form my arm into a blade and attempt to plunge it into the Speaker. He raises his hand at my blade and deflects it with a force field. "None of you stand a chance against me!" he yells as Charlyse and Taylor fire endless bullet at him only to be dissolved on contact with the force field. "But, I will give you this one chance, join Arkyn's soon to be empire and I can arrange for you to be ranking officers" he chuckles. "Never" I snarl.

"Then you will have to die" he says before he raises his hand towards me and charges up some sort of power. He fires it at me and I raise my steel shield up in an attempt to block it. However, it never hit me. Caoimhe stood in the way and stopped it with a large sun blast, which exhausted her completely. She dropped to the ground, unable to stand due to the massive amount of power she exerted. "I'll never know why the Lord chose her" the Speaker sneers. Viktoria shoots a column of pressured water at the Speaker, but he absorbs it into his hand. He fires it back at her with more force and knocks her against the wall, knocking her out.

"Taylor, Charlyse, get out of here!" I yell to my friends "Take Viktoria with you". Charlyse and Taylor stand their ground. "We aren't leaving you here to die!" Taylor yells back to me from across the room. "Oh fuck off with that friendship bullshit" the Speaker says as he flicks his hand towards those two. He creates a small explosion that sends them to the ground, out cold. "No!" I yell.

"All that's left is you" the Speaker says with a smile. "What are you gonna do after all this ends huh?" I ask him in an attempt to buy time. "Whatever do you mean?" he asks me. "I mean, after this little conflict is over, where will you go?" I prod him. "No one knows about my involvement in this attack, i'll stay as Speaker and slowly add to the ranks of the Cult" he says with pride. "Eventually, everyone will join, or be consumed by Arkyn to grow his power" he snickers. "No, you will lose here, here and now I am gonna kill you" I declare. "Oh really? You are boring me boy" he says with a stuck up look.

The Speaker raises his hand towards me when something breaks through the window next to him. He looks at the object and gasps. It was no object, it was Kisen. Kisen jumps up and wraps around the Speaker, struggling to get control. "I heard everything, you are going to die traitor!" Kisen screeches. "Get off of me you monster!" The Speaker retaliates. Kisen raises his now clawed hand and tears through one of the Speakers arms, blood and tissue flying everywhere. "Gaaaaaah!" The Speaker screamed as he creates a storm of lightning on Kisen. Kisen writhes in agony as he is charred by the lightning. "That's right, you don't like getting shocked do you?" The Speaker asks him rhetorically.

I take this opportunity to rush the Speaker and stab him through his leg, causing him to stop his barrage on Kisen and turn his attention back to me. He raises his hand but is stopped by a sudden explosion of white light that sends him flying back into the wall. He cracks the spot he hits and looks up to see what he did not hope to. The Progenitor stood there, scowling. He raises his hand and chokes the Speaker with a searing bright white light. "I'm disappointed in you Henry, both in your resolve and your inability to contain me" the Progenitor booms.

"Please sir, I can explain!" The Speaker chokes out. "Silence!" the Progenitor yells, tightening his grasp. "I hereby call a trial for your crimes, and I shall be the judge and jury" he snarls. "You have been accused of treason against your fellow Sentinels, murder, espionage, and forceful imprisonment of your creator!" The Progenitor booms "What say you in your defense". The Speaker struggles to speak as he is being strangled by the Progenitors blinding light. "Well, speak!" The Progenitor yells. "I was corrupted by power sir!" The Speaker manages to choke out. "The jury finds you guilty on all counts, and the judge sentences you to death!" the Progenitor proclaims before he snaps the Speakers neck instantly.  

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