Nostalgic Naming

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It's been about a month since the incident at the cult lab in Stavanger. On the good side of things, we have a better source of medicine for Taylor and Viktoria. Our training has been progressing pretty well, and Caoimhe has forgiven me for purging all of those Sentinels. I think she has come to the understanding that they were brainwashed and would have killed us. Nate and Viktoria have been spending a lot of time together too, late night training sessions and strategy planning.

However, not everything has been so bright. Charlyse is showing signs of depression and extreme anxiety, most likely due to the affect these powers have on her mind. She has started medicating, but it seems to have a much smaller effect on her. On top of this, the research team hasn't reported any significant progress in finding a cure to this situation. There have also been reports of the growing threat of this cult. We've lost contact with many Sentinels across the world and even some within Alharis. They are growing in power while our numbers dwindle, and there are talks of doubt within the council about whether or not the current leadership is taking the correct steps to dealing with this. Things are not looking so swell for us.

"Hey, what are you doing sulking in here?" Thor asks standing in the doorway to my room. "I'm thinking about what needs to be done, I just feel so powerless right now" I respond in a somber tone. "Powerless? Man I envy the rate that you are improving" he says in joy "Hell, I bet soon you'll be just as powerful as a council member". "Yeah, all that power and I still can't do a fucking thing about the growing insanity gripping my friends" I say angrily. "Chin up, I hear the research is speeding up" he assures me. "Come on down, we have to discuss some official business" he tells me, beckoning me down to one of the strategic planning rooms in this tower.

I follow him down to the elevator which swiftly takes us to the twelfth floor. We walk towards the planning room, passing military types on the way. Inside the room are my friends, Caoimhe, and a few Council members. "Hey, just in time for the party" the Council member Ramses tells me, swiveling around in his chair to face me. Ramses is a short, dark skinned man with a golden jewelry type encasing around his long goatee. He is one of the oldest Sentinels in the city."What's going on?" I ask. "Well, we are putting together an official team" he says standing up. "The Council thought it time to go on the offensive with this cult" Alexander says standing in the corner of the room. "Really, comprised of who?" I inquire. "You, Caoimhe, and your four friends here" Ramses replies. "What happen to our animal companions?" Nate asks. "They are assisting with researching a cure for the insanity" Caoimhe inputs.

"So, Alexander and I have come up with a team hierarchy" Ramses says. "Caoimhe and you will have co captain authority, and Nate will have the honor of stepping in as acting co captain should either of you die or get cut off contact" He explains. "Well, what's our team name?" Taylor asks candidly. "Officially, you are team three sixteen RZ" Alexander says. "But I guess you can come up with a proper name" he says with a smile. "How about Team Trojan? It's the mascot of the college we were in" Viktoria suggests. "I like that" I respond. "I like it too" Charlyse adds. "We all in agreement then?" I ask. Everyone nods their head, and at that moment we have started forth events that will shape the rest of this conflict with the Cult of Arkyn. 

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